

作者(外文):Wang, Li-Hsin
主題關鍵詞:教育財政公平性適足性教育成本指數school financeequityadequacycost of education index
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本研究依循 Berne與Stiefel(1984, 1999)及 Odden與Picus (2004)所發展之概念架構,取87至92會計年度間各相關之財政、教育年報及會議資料進行分析,所採用之衡量量數,計有McLoone指數、Verstegen指數、Gini係數、相關係數、斜率、調整關係量數,以及Odden-Picus適足性指數等;此外,本研究轉換美國各學區採行的補助公式,發展定額模式、基準模式、百分比均等化模式、保障稅基模式、統籌統支模式及結合模式等六個分配模式,以92會計年度的數據資料,檢證並比較不同分配模型間所能達成的公平性與適足性。
The Compilation and Administration of Education Expenditures Act (CAEEA) was signed into law by president on December 13, 2000. The new law was an attempt by the legislature to set a minimum guaranteed funding rate for educational budgeting, and to be more equitably and adequately distribute funds for education. The purpose of this study was to analyze how different funding models affect the equitable and adequate distribution of funds for compulsory education.
The theoretical and empirical literatures were thus analyzed in this study, including the issues related to public resources allocation, distributive justice, intergovernmental fiscal relations, and school finance formulas. The conceptual framework developed by Berne and Stiefel (1984, 1999) and Odden and Picus (2004) served as the basis for defining and measuring the degree of equalization and adequacy of the financial system. The financial and educational data incorporated into this study have been taken from MOE's and MOF's annual reports and meeting records from 1998 to 2003. A series of measures were selected for assessing equity and adequacy in school finance, including the McLoone index, Verstegen index, Gini coefficient, correlation coefficient, slope, adjusted relationship measure, and the Odden-Picus adequacy index. In addition, in this study the school funding formulas that the various states continue to use to distribute education funds to local school districts in the USA were converted into six different funding models: a Flat Grants Model, Foundation Model, Percentage Equalization Model, Guaranteed Tax Base Model, Full Centralized Funding Model, and Tier Model. This was in order to determine the extent to which these models have improved the equity and adequacy of the system for funding compulsory education.
The findings from the data analysis were as follows: (1) The CAEEA Funding Model and Foundation Model have the same impact, as far as policy is concerned, on fiscal equity and adequacy; (2) the results of budget preparation using the CAEEA Funding Model are not commensurate with the needs of counties and cities; (3) in the distribution of general education subsidies, some measure of local fiscal capabilities must be taken into consideration; (4) there is a noticeable difference in the cost of education indices for counties and cities; (5) The full funding and implementation of the CAEEA Funding Model has a positive impact on fiscal equity and adequacy; (6) it is necessary to reform the CAEEA Funding Model in order to satisfy the conditions of equity and adequacy.
Based on the policy implications of these findings, it was recommended that: (1) The basic needs of education expenditures be formulated precisely in terms of composition and unit volume; (2) the CAEEA Funding Model be extended to involve local opinions, so as to take into consideration the local educational demands; (3) incentive factors be incorporated into the CAEEA Funding Model, in order to increase the local tax effort; (4) a cost of education index be developed and the adequacy level be identified; (5) a long-term assessment of the equity and adequacy of funding allocation be undertaken; (6) the CAEEA Funding Model be improved according to the principles of equity and adequacy; (7) the CAEEA Funding Model be adjusted to meet the revised provisions of the Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures.
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