

作者(外文):Chen, Yu-shen
主題關鍵詞:暗殺無政府主義革命話語政治暴力AssassinationAnarchismRevolutionary discoursePolitical violence
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Mobilizing armed forces, collaborating with secret societies, and attempting to assassinate were once the main violent maneuvers in Chinese revolutions. However, assassinations, which often drew much attention during their time, were rarely discussed by later scholars. Modern China's rampant cases of political assassinations were initiated by the Chinese revolutionists in the Late-Qing period. They took advantage of the discourse of "anarchism" for the purpose of propaganda. Even after the founding of Republican China, revolution never stopped. Many attempts of assassination were done in the name of "revolution" and were also used as a tool for internal strives. This article would like to challenge discussions on political assassinations as found in many studies done from the view-point of revolution and would like to point out that there was a big difference between the discourse of propaganda and of actual strategies used in attempting assassinations. This article would point out that in dealing with this topic there are two levels involved. The first level concerns political violence: political assassinations germinated in the Late-Qing period and had never stopped even on the eve of the collapse of the Nanjing Kuomintang regime. The second level concerns the discourse used by the revolutionists; they advocated assassinations and discussed assassinations until the 1920s when they finally agreed to forsake such practices. In short, political assassinations were not only linked with political discord, but also reflected the concept of modern politics in the eyes of Chinese revolutionists. Issues about political violence deserve further studies.
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