

作者(外文):Hsu, Ying-jen
主題關鍵詞:創意問題解決電腦輔助教學認知歷程Creative problem solvingComputer assisted instructionCognitive process
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本研究的主要目的是在驗證以自編的電腦輔助課程進行創造力訓練之可行性。課程是以創意思考解題的認知歷程為架構,從釐清問題、搜尋主意、評價解答到付諸行動的逐程塑造,以訓練每個階段所需的認知技能,涵養所需的情意特質。為了解課程的學習困難度與適用年級,自變項為智能和年級;研究對象為國小三、四年級資優生和普通生,合計共176名學生。學習成效的檢視是利用前後測設計;評量工具包括陶倫斯創造思考測驗(TTCT) 的語文版與威廉斯創造力測驗(WCAP)的創造性傾向量表,分別用以評量創造力的認知與情意成分。並利用一份自編問卷以了解參與的學生對於參加此課程的主觀感受。研究結果顯示,本課程確實可增進創造力的認知能力;但對情意特質的影響,短期間尚看不出效果。就學習成效來看,年級與智能高低並不會帶來學習成效差異;然而,就課程意義的感受與興趣,一般生比資優生佳,三年級又比四年級好。創造力「四年驟降現象」只出現在資優生,一般生並無該現象。本研究結果顯示,以電腦輔助教學增進創造力的可行性;並建議三年級開始學習本CPS課程會比四年級適合。
The primary purpose in this research was to explore the effect of applying an innovative computer-assisted instruction of creative problem solving (CPS) program to promote students’ creativity. The framework of this CPS program was based on a cognitive processing model which contained defining the problem, generating ideas, evaluating resolution, and implementing action. A sum of 176 gifted and regular students of 3rd-grade and 4th-grade participated in this research for verifing the role of grades and intellect in learning the CPS program. A pretest-posttest design was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the CPS program. Divergent thinking was measured using the verbal form of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), and affect was measured using the Test of Divergent Feeling of the Williams Creativity Assessment Packet (WCAP). In addition, a questionary was used to collect the participants’ subjective experience of attending the CPS program. The results revealed promotive learning effects on cognitive, although not on affective, components of creativity ability. Both the grades and intellects have no significant difference on the learning efficiency. However, for the feeling of interesting and useful, grade three students are better than grade four students and regular students better than gifted students. There is a forth-grade slump for learning the CPS program in gifted students, but not in regular students. The study reveal the feasibility of using computer-assisted instruction to promote students’ creativity. An early training with this CPS program for both regular and gifted students was suggested.
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