

作者(外文):Chang, Chiung-ling
主題關鍵詞:科層體制疏離感無力感非人情傾向物化權威控制無規範感無意義感hierarchyalienationpowerlessnessimpersonal orientationreificationauthority controlnormlessnessmeaninglessness
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提 要
The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of hierarchy in governmental departments and its relationship with employee’s alienation. It also explores the content and degree of this hierarchy’s effect. Further by statistics, we study the effects of the change of governmental employees on the dimensions of alienation and variations of hierarchy. The design of this study is based on the understanding of the theory of hierarchy and alienation. Then we set up the hypothesis, pick up the study objects, and distribute the questionnaires to prove the hypothesis, to explore the research findings and suggestions so that we can provide the recommendations for the practical administration on governmental departments and employees.
The main theory of this thesis is from the point of functional approach. It focuses on the dysfunction of hierarchy and the alienation induced by this dysfunction. The method of this study is based on the investigation of the questionnaires. We pick up the employees of 23 departments from 33 departments which belong to Executive Yuan. The investigations period is from August 3, 1998 to October 1, 1998. The total effective questionnaires are 1,304. The recovery rate is up to 69.29%.
The main findings of this study are:
1. The higher the authority control, the higher the dimensions of alienation.
2. The higher the impersonal orientation, the lower the dimensions of alienation. In other words, the lower the personal orientation, the higher the judgement and fairness among the organization.
3. The higher the departmental specialization, the lower the dimensions of alienation. In the same way, the higher the formalization and the degree of involvement, the lower the alienation. There is no relationship between the sense of normlessness and alienation.
4. The sense of powerlessness is higher between the educational levels among specialized college and university. The main reasons which induce the sense of powerlessness among the Ph.D. degree are the involvement degree and independence.
5. The higher the position, the lower the alienation. The alienation from the low position employees is due to the simplicity of the work.
6. The younger employees always think that the organization is lack of profession, too much stereo type and too less publicity. It should promote the involvement of the employees.
7. Generally speaking, the higher the working years, the higher the recognition of the organization. The employee of 3-5 working years are less support to the dimensions of impersonal orientation, profession or formalization.
8. The employees of general affair are more sensitive to self-estrangement, sense of powerlessness and sense of normlessness than the employees of administration. The employees of specialization are less sensitive to those three dimensions.
The suggestions of this study are:
1. Use the democratic administration to reinvent governmental mentality.
2. Promote the employee’s spiritual fullness and aesthetic.
3. Establish the common vision of the organization and the common sense of the team.
4. Respect the principle of profession.
5. Discuss the shortness of the current performance system.
6. Simplify the promotion system and hire the employees by their professional knowledge.
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