

作者(外文):Meng Yun Dong
主題關鍵詞:或有請求權存款保險隨機利率鞅性測度流動性風險隨機波動性外幣選擇權contigent claim analysisdeposit insurancestochastic interest ratemartingale measureliquidity riskstochastic volatilitycurrency option
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This thesis discusses the deposit insurance of banking industry and pricing of currency options under the framework of contingent claim analysis. Basically, this thesis transforms probability measure to the martingale measure in the
continuous-time and general equilibrium structure to get the fair price of financial contract. The first part of this thesis is on the deposit insurance
of banking industry. I emphasis the effect of interest rate volatility and liquidity risk on the insurance premium. The effect of interest rate volatility is not significant under the CIR interest rate process. The effect of liquidity risk is positive and significant. The second part of this thesis
is on the pricing of currency options. I emphasis on the effect of stochastic interest rate and stochastic volatility on the option premium. I assume the volatility is proportion to the square of domestic interest rate and both the domestic and foreign interest rate follow CIR processes. I found that the
effect of interest rate volatility is not significant. To the long-term contract, however, the premium calculated by the thesis is far below that of Black-Scholes model.
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