

作者:黃明祥 引用關係
作者(外文):Ming-Shang Huang
主題關鍵詞:物件導向法綱目整合語意類似程度分群法Object-Oriented MethodsSchemaIntegrationSemantic Similarity DegreeClustering
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近年來,綱目整合(schema integration)是進行異質性資料庫整合與資訊系統再生工程重要的課題。本研究提出一個應用在物件綱目整合的方法論 (methodology),其主要目的是解決大型或複雜物件綱目整合的問題。因此,本研究提出一個新的計算物件類別(object classes)之間的語意類似程度(Semantic Similarity Degree, SSD)方法,確認物件模式之間的類似程度,作為綱目整合的依據。同時,根據物件類別之間的語意類似程度,建立語意類似程度矩陣(SSD Matrix),再利用此一語意類似程度矩陣,進行物件綱目整合的工作。物件綱目整合步驟係分為四個階段進行:(1) 整合前準備階段-將各種概念模式轉換至同質性的物件模式,(2) 物件綱目相似性比較階段-利用語意類似程度將兩個不同的物件模式(object models)類似的物件類別予以分群(clustering),(3) 物件綱目合併階段-根據物件類別之間的類似程度(SSD)進行綱目整合工作,以及(4) 物件綱目重組階段-對於合併的物件綱目進行重組,產生新的整合物件模式以滿足資訊系統與企業功能的需求。為了解新的SSD計算方法之優點,本研究與 Castano et al. (1997a)的SSD計算方法進行比較,根據比較的結果顯示本研究所提出的方法在語意方面的能力較為優越,因此可以得到較佳的SSD計算值。其次,為驗證以SSD為基礎的綱目整合方法論在實務應用方面的可行性,本研究以大學校務行政資訊系統的實例說明該方法論之導入步驟,進行深入的分析與討論。本研究最後歸納出重要的結論並提出一些未來值得研究的課題,以提供此方面研究學者之參考用途。
In recent years, schema integration plays an important role in the integration of heterogeneous databases and information systems reengineering. In this study, a methodology for schema integration based on Semantic Similarity Degree (SSD) is proposed. This methodology aims to provide an effective approach to solving the problems in schema integration process for either large-scale or complex object models. A new computational method of SSD between two object classes is developed and an SSD matrix is constructed to facilitate the implementations of schema integration. This methodology divides the schema integration process into four phases: (1) preintegration-to transform data models into homogenous object models, (2) schema comparison and conforming-to identify the similar object classes in two different schemas by using the SSD for the clustered object classes, (3) schema merging-to implement schema integration based on SSD and semantic relationships between two object classes, and (4) schema restructuring-to restructure the intermediate schema until all the requirements of information systems and business functions are satisfied. To show the advantages of new computational method of SSD, a comparison with the method proposed by Castano et al.''s (1997a) is given. Results of the comparison show that the proposed method is better than Castano et al.''s method in obtaining the SSD. Furthermore, to demonstrate the applicability and advantages of the proposed methodology, an example of schema integration in University Administrative Information Systems is illustrated. Finally, some research implications and directions for future research are given.
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