

作者(外文):Hung-Yue Lin
主題關鍵詞:期望效用理論風險最低生活所需資本限額決策等比例風險規避函數總財富觀點一般操作點expected utility theoryriskminimum life necessity valuecapital rationingdecisionconstantly-proportional risk-averse utility functiontotal wealth position conceptnormal operation point
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The traditional expected utility theory has been the most widely accepted normative decision making model even though it cannot serve as a comprehensive descriptive model, nor a prescriptive model for lacking of a clear operative definition for people to adopt at a risky decision making situation. Therefore, we believe that revisions should be made to the theory so that it can become a comprehensive and effective decision making model for the individuals. Through our literature review and empirical studies, several new concepts were proposed and even converted into the parameters of the constantly-proportional risk-averse utility function of the traditional expected utility theory to come up with a revised expected utility function in cardinal form. By understanding his own decision parameters e.g. the total wealth, the minimum life necessity value, the capital rationing, the credit line and risk adverse degree, a decision maker can derive his utility function at a certain decision making situation to evaluate all alternatives. Meanwhile, our proposed revised model also helps strengthen the interpretation power of the traditional expected utility theory for paradoxes.
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