

作者:邱裕鈞 引用關係
作者(外文):Yu-Chiun Chiou
主題關鍵詞:線性軸輻路網接駁轉運遺傳演算法Linear hub-and-spoke networkFeederTransferGenetic algorithms
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This study discusses the development and application of an integrated feeder/transfer system model in a linear hub-and-spoke network. At first, genetic algorithms are employed to determine the feeder/transfer relationship among routes by clustering the routes into different partition sets. Three models- simultaneous clustering method (SICM), stepwise clustering method (STCM) and cluster seed points method (CSPM)- basing on different coding/decoding techniques are developed and compared with a conventional statistics clustering model- the agglomerative hierarchical clustering method. Then, an algorithm integrating feeder/transfer location selecting, routing, and scheduling is proposed to solve the optimal network and headway for each partition set. The objective function is to minimize the total sum of passenger waiting cost (at origin ends, feeder stops and transfer stations), passenger inconvenience penalty cost (including change vehicles, pick-up and delivery), operator cost (including operation cost and fleet cost), set-up cost (including feeder stops and transfer stations).
Because of the NP-hard character of the routes clustering problem, it is essential to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of these methods. A testing experiment of 200 randomly generated objects is designed to perform the comparison. The testing result shows that CSPM is the most effective but least efficient method, STCM is second most effective and efficient, SICM is least effective because of its long chromosome. A case study of 60 direct service routes operated by Taiwan Motor Transport Company shows an optimal condition can be reached by clustering these 60 direct-service routes into three feeder sets with 6 routes, seven transfer sets with 22 routes and one direct service with 32 routes. As a result, the total cost is lowered by 5.18%, illustrating that feeder/transfer systems can surely improve a direct service system. The sensitivity analysis indicates that bus seat capacity and change vehicle penalty cost are two key factors in designing a feeder/transfer system. It implies that expanding the bus seat capacity to increase the possibility of feeder/transfer passengers boarding and well designing the transfer arrangement to reduce the inconvenience in changing vehicles would further enhance the performance of an inter-city bus feeder/transfer system.
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