

作者(外文):Ing-chern Wu
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研究生:巫英臣 指導教授:林彩梅
The Correlational Research of Intra-firm
Trade''s Determinants and Trade Effect
Student:Ing-chern Wu
Advisor: Prof . Tsai-mei Lin
Chinese Culture University
The existing literature have not had whole picture of the determinants of intra-firm export trade. This study adopt deductive approach to elaborate and examine the poten-tial determinants from the market dimension, which has not discussed or examined by researchers. The findings of this study pioneered the relevant researches on the determi-nants of the intra-firm export trade by new dimension.
The study supported that the R & D concentration ratio of few industries like elec-tronics & information and chemistry was one of the determinants of intra-firm trade, which has been examined by the existing literature. However,no strong support could be found in other industries in this study. Possibly the differences of industrial characteris-tic would have more influence on the determinants of intra-firm trade.
The study also found the strategic effects of Japanese MNE’s intra-firm trade was greater than that of Taiwanese’s. If Taiwanese MNE would take Japanese MNE’s expe-rience as a mirror, they would have more confidence to expand their overseas investments and would get more overseas market share. Meanwhile, Taiwanese MNE could get rid of the unfair trade accusation raised by foreign competitors or relevant foreign governmental agencies.
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