

作者(外文):Chia-Chen Lee
主題關鍵詞:廣告內容情緒對廣告的態度對品牌的態度路徑係數ad contentemotionthe attitude toward the adthe attitude toward the brandpath coefficient
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1. 每一種廣告內容因素對於每一種「對品牌的態度」因素之影響過程與方向均不一樣
2. 內容因素所誘出的每一種情緒因素對於「對品牌的態度」因素之影響過程與方向都不同
3. 情緒因素所形成的每一種「對廣告的態度」因素對於個別「對品牌的態度」因素之影響過程與方向皆不相同
4. 不同的廣告內容因素影響「對品牌的態度」形成之路徑都不一樣
5. 台灣無線電視台所播放的廣告,包含有生動的、客觀的、具危機意識的、超時代的、道德的與喚起需要的等六種內容因素。能促使觀眾對於廣告品牌形成正面之態度的內容因素,以生動的、超時代的效果最大,其次為客觀的、喚起需要的,具危機意識與道德的內容因素效果最小。
6. 目前所播放的鮮乳標章電視廣告內容雖不生動卻也不覺得嚴肅單調;含有喚起恐懼、焦慮或緊張不安的內容,但是並不強烈;比較強調品質、利益與效率;較為單純、舊式或不新奇;具有較強的心靈、道德、責任或慾望的訴求。這些內容因素將會使受測者產生中度的購買意願、對鮮乳標章形成不好也不壞的印象以及在原先對鮮乳標章的態度上沒有任何增強效果。
The vast integration of TV into our daily lives, and its potential for shaping viewers’ behavior, attract marketers’ deep concern toward the TV advertisement in the modern society of mass consumption. A large proportion of the promotion expenditure of Taiwan fresh milk logo provided by the Council of Agriculture, CABINET, R.O.C. was spent in the TV advertisement.
Generally speaking, one might find different content dimensions in different commercials. Also, one might find different emotional responses in different respondents. Therefore, this paper use the TV advertisement in Taiwan as a sample to evaluate the causal relationship of the ad content affecting the attitude toward the brand in Taiwan by the factor analysis and the path analysis. Then, the model of the ad content affecting the attitude toward the brand in Taiwan is utilized for the case study of Taiwan fresh milk logo.
The main purpose of this paper include: (1) How did the different ad content affect the attitude toward the brand? (2) How did the different emotion affect the attitude toward the brand? (3) How did the different attitude toward the ad affect the attitude toward the brand? (4) The case study for Taiwan fresh milk logo.
The empirical results from this analysis and case study are concluded as follows:
1. The different ad content has various affecting toward the consumers’ attitude of the brand, in terms of the extent and direction.
2. The different emotion has various affecting toward the consumers’ attitude of the brand, in terms of the extent and direction.
3. The different consumers’ attitude toward the ad has various affecting toward the consumers’ attitude of the brand, in terms of the extent and direction.
4. The different ad content has the different path of affect toward the consumers’ attitude of the brand.
5. The television ad contents that could render a positive attitude toward the brand in Taiwan, are listed sequence as follows: lively, out of mundane, objective, moral, and threatening.
6. The current television ad content of Taiwan fresh milk logo has neither lively nor serious. It contains a little of terror, anxiety, tense. It is simple, old- fashioned, non-novelty. It stresses quality, benefits and efficiency. It also contains strong virtue, spirituality, and duty appeal. The effect of this television ad content has certain affect toward the consumers’ attitude toward the fresh milk logo. It has moderate influence toward consumers’ purchase intense. It neither exhibit good nor bad image, and has no reinforcement effect.
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