

作者(外文):Ron S. Wahn
主題關鍵詞:勞雇關係人力資源管理機能公務人員管理制度制度的管理機能解析Employer-employee RelationshipsHRM FunctionsCivil Servant Systems of TaiwanAnalysis of Institutional Management Functions
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Many people concern about what will be the new HRM functions of public sectors in Taiwan since the nature of employer-employee relationships has been changing. This paper is designed to answer the following two questions: (1) What was the nature of relationships between government and its employees and what were the corresponding HRM functions in the past? (2) Under the changed relationships between government and its employees, what corresponding HRM functions will be in the future?
In addition to combine institution analysis methodology and policy research and case study, the author also develops a so called “the institutional analysis of management functions“ new approach method to pursue the corresponding management functions of the civil servant systems of Taiwan in the past as well as the re-positioning directions in the future.
The main conclusions of this research are the following: (1) the employer-employee relationships could be divided into two different patterns: domination (it means vertical integration between organization and its staffs.) and partnership (it means lateral cooperation between the two sides.) While the management functions could be divided into two different styles: HRM and HCA (human capital alignment.) (2) the domination pattern of employer-employee relationships goes well with HRM while partnership pattern goes better with HCA. (3) the case study shows that employer-employee relationships in Taiwan’s civil servant institutions is a domination pattern and its corresponding management focus is HRM functions (4) the case study also revels that the nature of employer-employee relationships between Taiwan’s civil servants and government is changing toward a partnership pattern and management focus will be on HCA functions.
Finally, this paper provides policy recommendations that will be helpful for government to develop a multi-systems of HCA gradually through a single and flexible HRM systems.
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