

作者:李君屏 引用關係
作者(外文):Jin-Ping Lee
主題關鍵詞:巨災債券道德風險基差風險隨機利率過程選擇權評價確定給付資本寬容CAT bondsmoral hazardbasis riskstochastic interest rateoption pricing modeldefined benefitcapital forbearance
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Essay 1 :
We develop a contingent claim model to price a default-risky, catastrophe-linked bond. Our model incorporates stochastic interest rates and more generic loss processes and allows for practical considerations of moral hazard, basis risk and default risk. We compute default-free and default-risky CAT bond prices by using the Monte Carlo method. Our results show that both moral hazard and basis risk drive down the bond prices substantially and these effects should not be ignored in pricing the CAT bonds. We also show how the bond prices are related to catastrophe occurrence intensity, loss volatility, trigger level, issuing firm''s capital position, debt structure and interest rate uncertainty.
Essay 2 :
We employ the contingent claim analysis to value salary-based premiums for pension benefit guarantees by simultaneously considering three practical termination scenarios: corporate bankruptcy, regulatory intervention and early lapse of participants. We also improve the previous models by estimating the premiums in a economy with stochastic interest rate and stochastic pension fund liabilities. Although a closed-form solution cannot be derived, we can compute the premiums using the Monte Carlo simulations. Our results show how the fairly-priced premiums are related the termination conditions, participant''s years of service, funding ratio of the plan, net worth of the sponsoring firm and other important factors.
Essay 3 :
A multi-period model is developed to measure the cost of pension guarantees for pension benefit insurers by incorporating interest rate risk, plan closure rule and moral hazard. Since not all inadequately funded plans are resolved immediately and these plans continue to operate under the coverage of the pension benefit insurance and increase the costs of the industry. The criterion of resolution, which depends on the pension benefit insurer''s closure policy, determines the effective maturity of the plan. From this respective, the pension benefit insurance contract can be viewed as a put option with stochastic strike price and extendible maturity in which moral hazard behavior is possible. Although a closed-form solution can not be derived, their values can be computed using Monte Carlo simulation method. Our results show how the fair premium rate can be affected by number of extendible periods, termination policy, moral hazard, funding level, sponsor''s leverage ratios, interest rate uncertainty and other parameters.
Essay 1 :new window
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Essay 2:
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Essay 3 :
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