

作者(外文):Sung MingJiun
主題關鍵詞:功能性評量工作社會技能中重度智障學生functional assessmentjob-related socila skillsmental retarded student
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using functional assessments to improve the job-related social skills of the students with mental retardation. Antecedent-Behavior- Consequence observations and interviews were used to collect functional assessment data. These data were classified into several types of problem behaviors and possible hypotheses about the problem behaviors.
Then functional analysis procedures were taken to test the hypotheses. Three subjects were exposed to four different conditions in an experimental design that used a multielement manipulation. The results of the testing were used to build behavior support plans. These plans were conducted through multiple-baseline design across behaviors. The conclusions are stated as follows:
1.The functional data were classified into several types of problem behavior, and three of which had higher frequencies were chosen as the target behaviors. Student A’s target behaviors included “distracted or careless behavior”, “mischievous behavior” and “disobeying behavior”. Student B’s target behaviors included “slacking behavior”, “complaining and grumbling behavior” and “disobeying behavior”. Student C’s target behaviors included “aloof behavior”, “inactive or passive behavior” and “impolite behavior”.
2.The same method was used to select three hypotheses that had higher frequencies. Hypotheses of Student A included “lack of adaptability”, “lack of reinforcement” and “lack of cues”. Hypotheses of Student B included “lack of reinforcement”, “lack of cues” and “lack of adaptability”. Hypotheses of Student A included “lack of cues”, “lack of practice” and “lack of reinforcement”.
3.Experimental design that used multielement manipulation of testing the hypotheses showed that the motivation of Student A’s problem behavior is “lack of adaptability”, the motivation of Student B’s problem behavior is “lack of reinforcement”, the motivation of Student C’s problem behavior is “lack of cues”.
4.According to the motivation of each Student’s problem behaviors, behavior intervention programs were developed and implemented, the result showed that all target behaviors were improved and the improvement can be lasted.
Several suggestions about the application of functional assessment model and advanced research were also proposed.
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