

作者(外文):Wen-Feng Hsiao
主題關鍵詞:口語共識判斷口語資訊口語意見綜合認知直覺運算口語表達verbal informationcognitive operationand consensus judgment of verbal opinionsaggregation of verbal opinionsverbal representation
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在口語位置研究中,本論文探討口語五等級評估尺度之數值表示法、模糊表示法、及認知表示法之差異。其中,認知表示法是以所提之區間估計方式獲取。研究結果發現認知之口語表達與數值表示法的等距(equal interval),或模糊表示法之對稱、等區間(equal space)的假設不符。
在均值運算方面,本研究首先探討數值方法、模糊方法、及認知方法三者在綜合口語評估詞之差異。研究結果顯示數值運算表現最差,與人類認知運算有顯著差異。模糊集合運算之表現亦普遍不佳;此意謂著以模糊集合運算充當描述性運算仍有一段距離。另外,以所提之認知表示法進行模糊數運算,可得到較接近人類認知之口語綜合(相符比由0.62提昇為0.77)。為瞭解決策者綜合口語資訊所採用之決策法則,本研究並以多維尺度法(Multi-Dimensional Scaling)分析三個實驗的資料。分析結果指出受試者綜合口語資訊時,除了受口語詞的數值均值影響外,尚會考慮口語詞的「極值」與「極性」。
Verbal information plays a pivot role in human daily communication. Recent research has pointed out that the performance of human cognition in processing verbal information has no significant difference from that in processing numerical information. However, no proper model is available to describe human cognition in processing of verbal information. Therefore, this dissertation explores the difference between human cognition and normative models in processing verbal terms, and further analyzes the decision rules employed by decision-makers to illustrate the proper form of a descriptive model. The explored verbal operations include the following statistics: representation, mean, and variance.
In the study of verbal representation, the differences among numerical representation, fuzzy representation, and cognitive representation of Likert verbal evaluations are revealed. This cognitive representation is obtained by the proposed interval estimation method. The proposed method can simultaneously construct the verbal categories in a Likert scale. The result shows that the cognitive representation is inconsistent with the assumption of equal interval in numerical representation, and those of symmetry and equal space in fuzzy representation.
In the study of verbal mean operation, the research first investigated the differences among numerical, fuzzy, and cognitive methods in aggregating verbal terms by conducting three experiments. The results reveal that the numerical operation deviates much from actually decision making. The performances of fuzzy aggregations are also poor. This fact shows that fuzzy aggregations are still not qualified as descriptive operators. However, using cognitive representation to conduct fuzzy number operations can obtain a higher match-rate with the human decision (from 0.62 to 0.77). To understand the decision rules underlying human cognition, the research conduct a Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis. The results show that, other than numerical mean, subjects use two intuitive rules to aggregate opinions, namely, extreme-value and polarity.
In the study of verbal variance operation, the research obtained the subjective judgments by a paired-comparison procedure. Furthermore, a factorial experiment is conducted to investigate the factors that might influence subjects’ verbal consensus judgment. The results show that subjects’ verbal consensus judgment is related to numerical variance, entropy, polarity, the interaction between numerical variance and polarity, the interaction between entropy and polarity, and the interaction among numerical variance, entropy, and polarity. Above all, entropy is a more significant descriptive operator than numerical variance.
The results of the dissertation could complement the current numerical methods in processing qualitative data. Possible applications of the research findings are also discussed.
Keywords: verbal information, cognitive operation, verbal representation, aggregation of verbal opinions, and consensus judgment of verbal opinions.
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