

作者(外文):Yao-Tsung Chen
主題關鍵詞:類神經網路政策設計建模過程機器學習系統動力學System DynamicsMachine LearningPolicy DesignModel ConstructionNeural Network
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本研究的目的是要提出一個系統動力模型(System Dynamics Model;以下簡稱SDM)與類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network;以下簡稱ANN)之間的轉換法,用以輔助建構SDM並設計其中的政策。SDM與ANN都是將建模者的知識儲存在圖形的結構之中。ANN又能夠從一組多變量的時間序列軌跡中學習出一組數值的傳遞結構。因此我們將先把SDM轉換成一種特殊的ANN-部分遞迴網路(Partial Recurrent Network;以下簡稱PRN),並證明兩者具有相同的數值傳遞限制。再將PRN的學習法與建模過程整合,而形成一套學習機制,便可以輔助建模者建構SDM。也就是由模型的草圖開始,由PRN學習出幾個可能的結構,再由建模者選擇。另外,以同樣的精神,也可以將SDM-PRN轉換法應用來設計SDM中的政策。因為PRN可以從歷史軌跡學習出結構,當然也可以從建模者設定的較佳軌跡中,學習出較佳的結構。本研究也實證了上述兩個應用的有效性及使用性,結果都非常令人滿意。
This paper presents a model transformation between System Dynamics Model (SDM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to aid model construction and policy design. We first point out a similarity between a System Dynamics Model (SDM) and an artificial neural network, in which both store knowledge majorly in the structure (or linkages) of a model. Then, we design a method that can map a SDM to a special design Partial Recurrent Network (PRN), and prove in mathematics that they two operate under the same numerical propagation constraints. With the established foundation, we then showed that the SDM-PRN transformation could aid SDM construction in the following way: (1) start from an initial skeleton of a PRN model (mapping from an initial SDM), (2) incarnate its structure by learning and (3) convert it back to a corresponding SDM. This approach integrates the capability of neural network learning with a traditional process, which thus makes model construction more systematic and much easier for common people. In the same philosophy, the SDM-PRN transformation could also aid SD policy design. Since any PRN can learn some structures from a historical time series pattern, it can also learn a better structure from a better pattern set by designer. We have investigated the effectiveness and usefulness of two application of the SDM-PRN transformation described above and the results are satisfactory.
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