

作者(外文):Kuo Liang Tai
主題關鍵詞:資源基礎觀點關鍵成功因素長期成功經營模式知識經濟Resources-Base ViewpointKey Success FactorSustaining Success Business ModelKnowledge Economy
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任何一個企業要營運成功都非易事,尤其,要長期持續經營成功(sustaining success)更是難上加難。這些長期成功經營的偉大公司,為何而偉大?因何而偉大?它們長期成功的基石是什麼?成功的經營模式是什麼?以及成功關鍵因素(K.S.F.)又是什麼?這是啟動本研究的最原始動機。
本研究在理論應用方面,以1990年代的「資源基礎觀點」(Resources-Base-View, RBV)、2000年代的「知識經濟」觀點(Knowedge Economy, KE)以及「邊緣競爭」(Competing on the Edge)與「創新」(Innovation)觀點等三主軸為重。
第一:本研究所列示六項關鍵成功因素(人才團隊、創新、顧客導向、前瞻、管理架構及企業文化),獲得高度認同,深具普世價值。若從六項關鍵因素中,只能挑選唯一一項時,人才團隊最獲認同。六項關鍵因素未來的有何變化,則創新與前瞻被認為未來將更加重要。如同美國知名策略學者所言,新世紀競爭力量是「i」(Innovation)的力量,而不是「e」(Electronic Commerce)的力量。成功的企業,必須讓「創新」轉變成處處可見的組織內部力量。
第三:本研究亦從個案研究中,推導出卓越企業具有「動態視窗營運模式」(Operational Model of Dynamic Window)。亦即,長期成功的服務業,它係以創新活動為發動力,不斷如同視窗般向上、向高推進,它所提供的創新商品、創新服務、創新通路與創新定位,永遠保持動態前進,並掌握速度優勢,從而獲致營收、獲利及事業範疇成長。
第四:本研究整合前述的長期成功經營三大基石及動態視窗營運,而形成服務業獲致長期致勝成功的經營模式,本研究稱之為「動態進化經營模式」(Business Model of Dynamic Evolution)。
第五:本研究發現,面對詭譎多變、混沌不明與知識經濟環境中,速度競爭觀已受到日益重視,並成為「速度經濟」之概念,而在邊緣競爭策略主導下,企業必須加速「變的能力」。 速度競爭優勢必須配合在動態進化發展框架內,則其效益將更大。
 It is uneasy to run an enterprise successfully. Especially, sustaining success for the long term is more than difficult. However, there are some companies achieve this goal and maintain for long prosperity. How do they attain these successes? Is there a business model for success? What are the Key Success Factors(K.S.F.)?These are the key issues that initiate this thesis.
The research is based on dominant domestic enterprises in service industry. It collects the top companies in each line of business as horizontal analyzing samples.
On sampling analysis, the research has mailed questionnaires to 64 companies and retrieved 48 effective ones. The retrieval rate is 75%. Besides, it also proceeds in-depth case study in six individual companies, knowledge economic case study in six enterprises and one focus group meeting of ten companies. The research also collects broad secondary data. Through analyzing, it attains the research result, findings and inferences.
The research applies 3 main strategy theories as analyzing spindles. They are ” Resources-Base-View” in the 90’s, “Knowledge Economy” in 2000 and “Competing on the Edge” and “Innovation “ perspectives.
The important conclusions and findings are excerpted as the followings:
1. The Six Key Success Factors (Expertise Team, Innovation, Vision,Cutomer-orientation, Management Structure and Corporate Culture) listed are highly recognized according to the result of questionnaire. Thus it has an universal value.
Among the six factors, if only one can be chosen, Expertise Team are viewed as the most important factors for success. While discussing which factor is highly related to the future influence, Innovation and Vision are viewed as the most important ones.
As the well-known American strategic scholar said: “Competition power in the new age is “i” (innovation) power rather than “e”(Electronic Commerce) force”. A successful enterprise must transform “innovation” as the internal power that can be seen everywhere in the organization.
2. The research finds three key factors for the successful management of the domestic service industry which are: “Expertise Team”, “Organization Knowledge” and “Innovation”,and all are based on “Customer Orientation” as core belief
These three fundamental bases are a firm triangle, which has an interactive relationship between one another.
3. The research has found remarkable enterprises apply “Operational Model of Dynamic Window”. Companies in service industry that have sustaining success are applying creative innovation, to progress their business. It is like windows, which always push up and move upwards. The companies offer innovative merchandise, service, channels and position. They always keep dynamic moving and master the advantage of speed, which have insured their revenue, profit growth and business scope expansion.
4. The research has integrated the aforementioned three fundamental bases for sustaining success and Operational Model of Dynamic Window, which has formed a long-term successful operational model called “Business Model of Dynamic Evolution”.
5.The research finds in nowadays treacherous and chaotic knowledge economic environment, the perspective on speed competition has become highly stressed and transformed as concept of “Speed Economy”. While strategy on Edge Competence is predominant, enterprises must speed up their ability on changing. The advantage of speed competition must follow up the path of “Business Model of Dynamic Evolution” in order to maximize its profit.
6.The research finds the dominant domestic service industry has actively disposed on international stage and chosen Mainland China as their top target market. The service industry can maintain their mother company in Taiwan and expand their business scope outwards, which has brought continuous growing. This will be a necessary trend for the future.
In conclusion, the results and findings in this research can be beneficial to the refinement of “Resources-Base-Viewpoint”(RBV). If combine the prominent RBV and “knowledge economy” perspective and apply them as the core thoughts of strategy making, we can then promote the importance of these two theories in the status of strategy management.
The contribution of this research can also be provided as operational benchmark for domestic service industry, which can upgrade their future capabilities in competition, business performance and raise its strategic management level to higher standard.
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