

作者(外文):James Fangming Tzeng
主題關鍵詞:聯準會伏克爾貨幣主義貨幣總計數緊縮貨幣通貨膨脹獨立性主從關係the FedVolckermonetarismmonetary aggregatetight moneyinflationindependenceprincipal-agent
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1979-87年之間,伏克爾企圖實現消滅通貨膨脹之目的,採用「貨幣主義論者」的主張,放棄利率指標的控管,改採固定比值貨幣總計數(monetary aggregates)成長指標機制,因疏忽了計算貨幣供給內容突然大幅變異的影響,致帶來急速緊縮貨幣的實際結果;同一時期,偏又遇上聯邦政府赤字不斷地創造新高。遂引來貨幣政策與財政政策之間的緊張關係,也因而成為其時金融投機與經濟紛擾不安的重要因素之一。
1. 伏克爾時代肇始的1980年經濟創傷(1979年10月-80年12月);
2. 伏克爾主持時期的第二次經濟衰退,和百業最蕭條的時期( 1981-82年);
3. 政策改弦易轍後的新金融環境,為美國所帶來的經濟繁榮及雷根總統的壓倒性勝利大選(1983 -84年);
4. 其後美國的成長與繁榮的政策及伏克爾的功成身退(1985-87年)。
伏克爾的成就,另一方面也證明聯準會不應該受到政治的控制。獨立的聯準會可以制衡行政部門的經濟權力,避免經濟權力控制在少數行政部門人員手上。因此為了分散經濟大權,聯準會應有獨立的地位,廢除聯準會或將之列為附屬在財政部底下一個部門的主張,實不可採行。但是也不可忽視總統控制(control)、國會支配(dominance)、及聯準會全權執行的主從關係(principals-agent)政治機制,預防決策不當引起信心危機問題,而得平衡穩當的聯邦準備貨幣政策(An even keel policy of the Federal Reserve System.)。
Paul Adolph Volcker took charge of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) in 1979-87, worrying about inflation and adhering strictly in anti-inflation. Suggested by the monetarists, the Fed accepted a single rule governing the money-supply should be expanded at a fixed rate for the basic monetary aggregate-M1. The Fed''s new monetary policy caused tight money effect that had forced interest rates up and had imposed the most severe discipline on the economy. Meanwhile, the combination of tight money and high budget deficits had conflicted between monetary and fiscal policy, and had conducted fundamental disorder in the economy and speculation in financial markets.
Research in the ideology, causes, results, and impacts in the implements of Volcker''s Fed policy, I found that a gradual change is better than a big U-turn''s cold-turkey therapy for monetary policy. There is an even keel monetary policy which will benefit for most of the people. Unavoidable, an imbalanced monetary policy could cause a recession.
Any economic policy has its own background, and inflation seems unavoidable in its rising habitat within a growing monetary economy. The inflation circumstances in the 1970s gave a good chance for Volcker to adopt the monetarist idea which held a constant money-supply. But its side-effect, unemployment and high interest rates would happened simultaneously.
To analyze the influence of Volcker''s Fed policy on the five economic goals - the employment, price level, economic growth, balance-of-payments position, and income distribution, all the Volcker''s eight years in the Fed were divided into four periods:
1. the trauma of 1980 in the apocalypse of Volcker Era (October 1979- December 1980);
2. circumstances went from bad to worse, which was the second recession period in Volcker Fed years and the longest miserable years since the Great Depression (1981-1982);
3. the new financial environments after the turn-around change and the golden election of President Reagan (1983-1984); and
4. the swan song of Volcker’s last years (1985-1987).
The negative impact of decreasing money-supply to anti-inflation strictly will result in the higher rate of unemployment, the more closures of plant, the more overextended farmers, and the more families living under the poverty-stricken. Dramatical slowdown the money-supply might be the worst way on the face of the world to fight inflation, except for all the other ways, and the monetary authorities must be very careful when judging it.
After Volcker''s turn loosened his monetary policy, a new financial environment emerged in 1983. Then the inflation held under 4% for 5 continuos years (1983-87), proved the inflation can be conqureed without killing the American economy.
Independence is an immensely complex concept. The Fed should not be brought under political control. Volcker''s experience in conquering inflation showed the wisdom of independence of the Fed. And the Fed could not be abolished or controlled by Treasury Department. But the independence of the Fed is always a relative matter. Only the principals-agent theory of monetary policymaking may accurately depict the variable nature of Fed independence. A collective bargain rules should be built in response of the conflicts arising from the principals-agent: the control of President, the dominance of Congress, and the execution of the Fed. In short, monetary policymaking should not come upon a single unit but upon a multi-institutional framwork ensuring the even keel policy of the Fed.
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