

作者(外文):Wen Shin Huang
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本文分析所使用資料乃是透過問卷調查而取得,針對國內三大都會區以及三大農業縣進行抽樣調查,先藉由比例分層抽樣(proportionate stratified sampling)決定出各縣市樣本數目,而後,透過調查人員並採便利抽樣(convenience sampling)方式進行訪問。
在探討文中各項議題之前,本文先行針對CETSCALE衡量工具的單一構面(unidimensionality)以及信度(reliability)進行驗證,以確認其在國內的適用性,經由驗證性因素分析(CFA)以及Cronbach α係數之佐證,確認該工具應用於國內的適用性。之後,根據問卷回收資料計算得知,國人平均民族意識程度遠較鄰近國家韓國所測者為低。
在影響國人民族意識程度的因素方面,受訪者年齡、所得、教育程度、戶籍地以及家中目前有無從事農作等變數明顯與國人民族意識程度有關。至於民族意識所產生的影響效果方面,透過多階模型(multilevel models)處理後,除了確認民族意識會影響國人對農產品的態度及購買意願外,且對於國內、外農產品分別產生正、負向的效果,惟其影響程度遠較產品屬性評價為低。
The entrance of Taiwan to the World Trade Organization(WTO) and the opening of the domestic market will provide consumers with more product choices than ever. However, the impact of imported products on domestic agricultural production concerns most of the farmers and agricultural officers. Whether consumers have more preference for native agricultural products than foreign products become an interesting subject in designing marketing policies for domestic farm products.
From the perspective of consumer behavior theory, consumers will evaluate the performance of the products’ attributes when they make the purchase decisions. In addition, consumers’ emotion probably influence their final decisions. This study use the Consumer Ethnocentrism Tendencies Scale(CETSCALE)designed by Shimp and Sharma(1987)to measure consumer ethnocentrism and to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism on buying domestic and foreign agricultural products. Pork、grape and generic agricultural products are selected as representative products.
Data were collected through questionnaire investigation from a sample containing 400 consumers. Subjects from three metropolises, including Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung and three main agricultural counties, including Yunlin, Changhua and Tainan were asked to respond all the questions of the questionnaire.
The CETSCALE, a 10-items measure of consumer ethnocentrism , was subjected to validation tests, including the unidimensionality and reliability. Both sets of results of the Confirmatory factor analysis and the reliability analysis support the applicability of the CETSCALE in Taiwan. The average scores on the CETSCALE are 3.66 which are lower than Korean’s.
Research reveals that consumer ethnocentric tendencies are related to consumers’ age, income, and educational level. The effects of the ethnocentrism on consumers’ buying attitudes are analyzed through the multilevel models. The results confirm the relationships that scores on the CETSCALE are positive correlated with consumer’s attitudes and willingness toward purchasing domestic agricultural products and negative correlated with foreign products. However, these correlations are not as strong as the correlations between products attributes evaluations and attitudes and willingness.
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