

作者:蔡坤宏 引用關係
作者(外文):Kuen-Hung Tsai
主題關鍵詞:新產品開發開發速度創新度複雜度New Product DevelopmentDevelopment Speedinnovativenesscomplexity
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本篇論文藉由影響產品開發速度因素權變關係的檢視,主要在回答一個問題: 顯著影響產品開發速度的因素為何?見於IC設計向來以產品創新取勝。因此,本研究選擇IC設計業之產品開發專案為觀察對象。95%信賴水準及5%誤差容忍度之條件下,預計抽取96家廠商進行調查或訪問。問卷回收67份,回收率約70%。樣本中,共含207個產品開發專案(微元件類產品約32%、記憶體類產品約29%、邏輯IC類產品約22%、類比IC類約17%)。
這些發現意涵著:(1) 隨著產品創新度的提高,周詳的前置作業、執行同步作業、進行反覆設計與測試、即時掌握開發進度、跨功能團隊的宜即早參與、整合供應商參與對縮短產品開發時間有明顯的幫助。(2) 隨著產品創新度的降低,放寬查核點的間隔時間、經驗的累積及強調時程對加速產品開發的幫助較大。(3) 廣泛地應用軟體工具,降低產品開發的複雜度,明顯提高產品的開發速度。
The dissertation aims to examine the effects of the factors speeding up new product development. IC product development projects are investigated because the importance of product innovation in IC design industry. Based on 95% confidence level and 5% tolerance limits of error, ninety six firms need to be investigated. We received 67 questionnaires. The response rates are about 70%. A total of 207 product development projects which consist Micro(32%), Memory(29%), Logic(22%), and Analog(17%) are analyized.
Tobit model is employed since the development speed is a limited-dependent variable. Because the assumption that the data distribution is normal does not hold, thus we use the weighting least squared method(WLS) to estimate the tobit model. The results show that: (1) While the product innovativeness is higher, the factors speeding up product development are up-front homework, paralell processing, designs iteration, extensive testing, and cross-functional team; (2) While the product innovativeness is lower, the factors reduce the development time are milestone distance and the experience from the development team; (3) While the product complexity is higher, software tools are available to reduce the development cycle time.
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