

作者:周建亨 引用關係
作者(外文):Chien-Heng Chou
主題關鍵詞:海外投資動機企業內貿易效果資源投資市場投資效率投資策略性資產投資產業空洞化貿易收支效果FDI motivesThe effects of intra-firm tradeResources seekingMarket seekingEfficiency seekingStrategic assests seekingDe-industrializationThe effects on trade balance
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本研究採用判斷抽樣(judgement sampling)方式,針對台灣資訊電子業之上市與上櫃公司全部以郵寄問卷方式收集資料。總共寄出226份問卷,經過兩次跟催,回收130份,有效問卷92份,回收率為40.7%。
In 1990s, about one third of all international trade occurs through intra-firm trade within MNEs. Intra-frim trade is expected to keep growing. One purpose of this study is to test the relationships between the motives (i.e., seeking for resources, mar-kets, efficiency and strategic assets) of the multinational enterprise (MNE) for foreign direct investments (FDIs) and intra-firm trade, with an aim to add to the explanation power of existing literature about the causes of intra-firm trade. The other purpose is to better understand how the motives of the MNE for FDI influence the direction of in-ternational trade through intra-firm trade by decomposing the effect of intra-firm trade into four sub-effects (i.e., export replacement, reverse import, lead export and import exchange).
This study used judgement sampling to collect data from 258 companies in infor-mation and electronic industries in Taiwan. These companies were listed in either TSE or OTC in 2001. The companies who did not have subsidiaries abroad at the time of survey were screened out by a telephone interview. Two hundred and twenty-six com-panies were retained and a questionnaire was sent to each company. After two fol-low-up mailings were made, one hundred and thirty questionnaires were returned, of which 92 were valid. The return rate was 40.7%.
The results show that, the motives of the MNE for foreign direct investments sig-nificant explain the variation of the MNE’s intra-firm trade. In addition, the explana-tion power of motives is larger than that of the MNE’s characteristics (i.e., multination-ality, the intensity of research and development). Looking at the scope of the influ-ences of each motive on the effects of intra-firm trade, the motive for seeking for mar-kets has the largest scope of influences, followed by efficiency seeking, resource seek-ing and, finally, strategic assets seeking.
Based on the research results, this study discusses how foreign direct investments under different motives influence the international trade, such as balance of payments and frictions of international trade, and economic welfare, such as deindustrialization, of parent countries through intra-firm trade effects. Directions of further studies are also suggested.
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