

作者(外文):Sheu-Hua Chen
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具時效性路面貨物運輸之營運作業規劃之設計,本研究選擇與路面運輸特性較相符的層級軸輻式網路作為其營運網路設計,在此網路結構下,將此問題的所有作業與相關屬性以網路的節點與節線表示。此一過程稱之為網路產生,本研究以C語言開發一網路產生器以產生此網路。網路產生完成後,此一問題變成一網路問題,本研究為此網路問題開發一隱含式窮舉法以求解最佳之營運作業規劃,其過程為,將營運區域分區,各區內之運具路徑稱之為支線,連接分區間的運具路徑稱之為幹道,因此形成一層級式的關係,故稱之為層級軸輻式網路。在各區內以窮舉法窮舉運具路徑,在窮舉的過程中,以問題之特性將不可行的運具路徑放棄,將可行的運具路徑加以組合以形成所有可能的班表,此些稱之為候選班表。之後開發一演算法以求最佳解。其中使用的搜尋方法以先深度搜尋法,求最短時間問題以dequeue implementation algorithm,並於演算法中加入一臨界路徑法則作為演算法之下限,以加快求解速度。在實證與敏感度分析中,發現服務水準與總營運成本不成單調遞增,而營業所截件時間與中繼站組裝時間的選擇會影響營運成本。
The collaboration of different transportation modes is the essential issues of implementing international logistics operations. Offering quickly service and increasing time value for customers are the applicable policies for competence of logistics companies. For these reasons, the time-definite express common carries should pay much attention to working out an efficient and effective operational plan. Even though the most time efficient transportation mode is aircraft. To implement the door-to door service is rely on the ground freight delivery carriers. In this research, the hub-and —spoke network is applied to design for optimizing the operations planning for time-definite express of air cargo delivery carriers and ground freight delivers, respectively.
The time-constrained hierarchical hub-and spoke network is applied to design the operations for time-definite express carriers. A network generator is designed so that the operations and their correspondent properties can be described with nodes and arcs in the network. An implicit enumerated algorithm is involved to solve the network problem. The operational region is divided into sub-regions. The routes for carriers in each sub-region are described with branch lines. Routes for connecting the sub-regions is called main lines. That relationship makes the network has hierarchical structure.
The implicit enumerated algorithm is applied to enumerate all possible routes. A set of feasible candidate routes is built that deletes some routes that violate the essence of the problem. Then a dequeue implementation algorithm that based on the shortest time rule is used to fine the optimal solution. In the sensitivity analysis, the cost increase non-monotonic while service level increased. The dead-line for receiving cargos and the assembly time in hubs impact the operational cost, too.
As for the time definite air cargo problem, we apply a generalized hub-and-spoke network to describe this problem. It allows commodity to be loaded at their origin centers unto outgoing/stopover vehicles, unloaded at their destination centers from incoming/stopover vehicles, and unloaded, rehandled and reloaded at hubs. Equivalently, the network allows commodity to be shipped directly from pickup to delivery centers or being rehandled via hubs. At the same time, the generalized network allows us to evaluate the trade-off between different possible operations, stopovers, feeders, and center directs. In addition, no symmetric assumption is placed on the network.
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