

作者:何維華 引用關係
作者(外文):Wei-Hua Ho
主題關鍵詞:核磁共振人體肢段參數人體測量AnthropometryMRIBody Segmental ParametersBiomechanics
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人體肢段參數(Body Segmental Parameters;BSP)是一種應用於人體在空間中運動的基本參數,在尚未建立台灣青年人和運動員人體肢段參數的時代,皆是使用外國人研究的資料,所以急需建立本土化的資料。另外,運動員的體型經過長期訓練也較一般人發達,為了瞭解人體肢段的內部結構存在何種差異,亦是本研究的主要目的。
本研究完整的建立MRI人體肢段參數研究方法與程序,採用標準化的全身掃瞄,以GE核磁共振儀(Horizon LX, echo speed, 1.5 Tesla),每一切面以1公分、無間隔掃瞄,建立最佳化的T2—weighted影像,最大FOV為480×480mm,影像格式為512×512 mm,Te和TR分別為8.5~10msec和450~500msec之間等設定。人體模型是依據各部位肢段分界,定義為「頭頸」、「軀幹」、「上臂」、「前臂」、「手」、「大腿」、「小腿」和「腳」等人體的肢段。MRI影像數位化分析是以電腦數位繪圖板,將人體切面中各種組織加勾劃出來,量化各組織面積後,經過準確的計算獲得各肢段的「體積」、「質量」、「質心」、「轉動慣量」和「旋轉半徑」等參數,並且建立出迴歸方程式,以提供未來研究者參考。
Body segmental parameters (BSP) have been applied extensively in biomechanics, medical technology, space industry, design, military weapon and the design of sport facilities. Many countries have already established a system of body segmental parameters for their people, but there are no BSP for Taiwanese. In recent studies, body segmental parameters have been applied to the design of weapons and therefore improve the fighting power. In the design of sports facilities, BSP can enhance the athlete’s performance. So we can realize the study of BSP is very important and helpful in many areas.
The Taiwanese young people and athletes participated in this study. MRIs were obtained with a GE MRI 1.5-T scanner, metric size 512×512mm, FOV 480×480mm, TR 450~500msec, TE 8.5~10msec, thickness 10mm, T1—weighted. The MRI digital images were analyzed by medical image software (SigmaScan Pro 5.0, SPSS Inc.). The edge of each tissue of each slice to obtain the digital data of area and center of shape, the frustum mass was derived from multiplying the volume by its density, the moments of inertia for each segment were then determined about the anatomical axes using the parallel axis theorem and finite element principle. Moreover, this study is being planned to separate human body into different segments, such as “head and neck”, “trunk”, “upper arm”, “forearm”, “hand”, “thigh”, “shank” and “foot”. We will collect the data of volume (V), mass (M), center of mass (CM), moments of inertia (I) and rotation radius (R) of each segmental.
This study compared with other studies. The differences may due to the human race, living style, female or male, age and fitness level of subjects. Besides, the definition of segments boundary and coordinate system were also different result with other studies. Most previous researches study used cadavers from older persons or male. They used few samples. Therefore, it is not precise enough to be applied in medicine, biomechanics and ergonomics. We can use some other medical diagnosis techniques to determine the parameters of body segment, for example, Gamma ray, CT and MRI was proved effective. During the past a hundred years of BSP studies, MRI has been concluded to have the true image and no use of radiation in quantitative BSP. In addition to the distribution of segment, MRI also provides the information of segmental mass and any anatomical plane. It has been thought to be the best way to establish the database so far.
This research can provide valuable information and help to many professionals, such as the designer of walking aid, sports facilities, rehabilitation technologists, medical doctors and sports coaches to provide valuable references.
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