

作者:黃聖桂 引用關係
作者(外文):Shenkuei Huang
主題關鍵詞:青少年自主家庭系統整合歷程系統觀adolescentautonomyfamily systemintegrative process systems perspective
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The study of adolescents’ autonomy performance in family context ----From the integrative process systems perspective
The purpose of this research was to explore the experience of personal and interpersonal interaction in family about〝adolescents’ autonomy performance in family context〞 based on Pinsof''s 〝integrative process systems perspective〞. The data were collected in using in-depth interview with three families. There were three kinds of characteristics of the families :〝constrain and rigid in family boundary〞〝respect autonomy and permeable in family boundary〞〝fail in discipline and lack of intimacy〞.
Results of this study are listed as follows:
1. Mother was unstable on the discipline but took more responsibility on childrearing. She was the person that children will express their autonomy intention. For this reason, mothers have more arguments with children for adolescence autonomy than fathers. Fathers were the key person to influence adolescence autonomy performance in family context. In parenting, mother complement with father otherwise there might be power struggle for child rearing.
2. Academic achievement was the core value of family when working on autonomy performance in family context. It would reflect on particular family and culture context. Autonomy development involved multi-levels (dependence; detachment; independent; self-regulation) and multi-dimensions (cognition; emotion; behavior). The parents usually do not believe that their children can free from threat of ambiguous society and can be self—direction. From that standpoint, parents think autonomy was roots from social value and self—regulation. The youth generation displayed their autonomy development on multi-abilities levels, independent from ages, and hard to integrate their cognition, emotional and behavioral dimensions of autonomy.
3. Family rules are important in determining how the same intention of autonomy being displayed. When there are conflicts between youth generation and their parents, it may symbol rigid rules in the family. When youth generation has power to make decisions for themselves, it symbolizes that family rules were flexible. Parent-child relationship is important in predicting the effect of parent interferes in youth autonomy. But permeable rules in the family are not the only factor for adolescent’s autonomy performance. Parent and child can reconstruct the family rules from the interaction.
Based on the study results, application and suggestions were emerged for counseling practice and future research.
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