

作者(外文):Hsieh, Ming-hung
主題關鍵詞:新產品上市策略資源構形市場特性New ProductLaunch StrategiesResource ConfigurationMarket Characteristics
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本研究經過文獻整理後,針對新產品上市策略理論模式中尚待釐清的幾個研究缺口作進一步的研究與探討,以使新產品上市策略的影響前因、內容與績效之模型能更為完整。本研究利用內在環境因素(如公司資源構形),與外在環境因素(如市場特性)作為影響新產品上市策略之前因,以單一產業-台灣IC設計業為調查對象,利用個案研究與大規模實證兩階段之研究方法,嘗試去回答兩個研究問題:(一)瞭解台灣IC設計業是否有不同的上市策略類型?與(二) 瞭解影響新產品上市策略之環境因素--公司資源與市場特性之影響為何?
(一)台灣IC設計業的確存在著不同的上市策略類型,分別是技術領先型、大量行銷或模仿型與 產品創新型。
(三)台灣IC設計業之內部資源構形可分為IDM資源群, 差異化服務群以及社會網路策略群。
(四)在樣本收集上,為了避免行業特性或技術差異等可能的干擾因素,本研究僅對台灣IC 設計業工業產品做調查,避免了估計及檢定上的錯誤。
New product launch involves significant dedication of time, money and managerial resources(Hultink, Griffin, Hart, & Robben, 1997). How to gain fast and smooth market acceptance after long product development is a critical issue for many Taiwanese firms nowadays. This paper, exploring the new product launch strategies of Taiwanese IC design industry, an industry with relatively high R & D profiles, attempts to shed some light on two research questions. First, are there any different new product launch strategies in Taiwanese IC design industries? If yes, what are they? Secondly, what roles do firm resources and market-product characteristics play in new product launch strategies in Taiwanese IC design industries?
After investigation utilizing multiple case studies research methods and 95 IC designing firms participated in a questionnaire survey, several finding are discovered:
New product launch strategies in Taiwanese IC design industries can be furthered categorized into 3 different types, namely, product innovators, technology leaders, mass-marketers and would-be me-toos. However, the characteristics of each type are slightly different from their counterparts demonstrating in Hultink’s research (Hultink, et. al. 1997). Also, from the standpoint of resource configurations, the Taiwanese IC design firms are clustered into three subgroups: IDM resource group, differentiated service group, and social network and strategic group. As external product-market factors blend in and interact with different resource configurations, these two dimensions of factors indicate two important influences in Taiwanese IC new product launch strategies.
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