

作者(外文):Chia-Hsuan Wu
主題關鍵詞:基因改造消費者偏好強制標示一般均衡Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) ModelGenetically Modified Organisms(GMOs)AgricultrualCornSoybean
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近年來生物技術快速發展,各種基因改造作物及其加工食品也已透過貿易市場向外流通,其中玉米和大豆已然成為基因及非基因改造市場區隔最具代表性的產品,也是目前全世界最主要的基改作物,其用途廣泛,多進入加工食品市場、作為畜牧用飼料、或者直接供民眾消費之用,本文嘗試採用ORANI一般均衡模型,配合行政院主計處所公布的產業關聯表(input-output table)做為資料來源,來探討基因改造產品所衍生的經濟效益或成本,並針對未來各種管理政策:包括實施追溯強制標示制度、消費者對基改產品偏好改變、國外基改技術持續進步,以及完全禁止基改大豆、玉米進口措施等議題來進行評估。
The development of agricultural biotechnology offers the opportunity to increase crop production, lower farming costs, improve food quality and could be reducing costs to consumers. Although until now Taiwan haven’t commercialize any GM foods, but Taiwan used to highly dependent on importing lots of grain products from world market, and the import quantity as well as price will be affected through world market as the production technology of GM crops is adopted. When the GM crops were imported to Taiwan, as suppliers of inputs and buyers agricultural products, other sectors will also be affected by the use of genetic engineering crops through vertical (or backward) and horizontal (or forward) linkages.
This paper offers a preliminary quantitative assessment of the economic impacts of Taiwan importing GM crops on agricultural sector. For this purpose, a multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium model is used, named ORANI model. This model is amended by splitting the corn and soybeans into GM and non-GM varieties, and endogenizes the decision of producers and consumers to use GM vs. non-GM corn and soybeans in their intermediate use and consumption, respectively. In this paper we concern about the different GMO policies, including mandatory traceable labeling policy, consumers’ acceptance of GM food product and its implication. We also assume that if Taiwan adopt import ban on GM soybeans and GM corn, the result shows that it would be much great affect to Taiwan’s economics.
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