

作者:楊志慶 引用關係
作者(外文):Chih-Ching Yang
主題關鍵詞:生產效率環境效率資料包絡分析(DEA)養豬場Productive efficiencyEnvironmental performanceData Envelopment Analysis(DEA)Pig farm
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本文使用資料包絡分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)方法探討養豬業之生產及污染防治環境績效,除考慮一般性產出(意欲產出,desirable outputs)外,本文將非意欲產出(undesirable outputs)亦納入考慮。
This study used DEA (data envelopment analysis) to analyze productive efficiency and environmental performance of exemplary pig farms in Taiwan. In addition to desirable outputs, undesirable outputs (wastewater) were also included.
It was a controversial issue that how undesirable outputs were included in DEA. In this study, we proposed that environmental regulations may be used to transfer the undesirable output data. The advantages of this method were: 1. The transformed data were treated as output variables; 2. The transformed data kept the assumption of strong disposability; 3. The transformed data were meaningful (in terms of quantity of pollution treatments, the degree of compliance with environmental regulations, or emission permits); and 4. The method explicitly considered the DMUs’ ability of complying with environmental rules.
The productive efficiency and environmental performance of each pig farm can be estimated through the models we established and Tobit regression models were used to analyze the possible factors affecting the efficiency/performance. Comparing the models with/without pollutants, the loss of production possibility set can be shown and which indicated the loss percentage due to environmental regulations. The results show the percentage is 4.6%, which meant 141 pigs for each pig farm on average. Pig production and wastewater treatment were further viewed as different productive activities and evaluated if the labor input allocations between these two activities were optimal. We found that production capacity cannot be raised by reallocating the inefficient labor input.
From a practical viewpoint, we separated the whole production process into two or three sub-technologies, and comparing the results of multi-technologies models with a single technology model. It was found that, the efficiency values calculated from these three models were positively and significantly correlated. The distributions of efficiency values are similar between the two-technologies and single-technology models, but both were different from the three-technologies model. Only a few pig farms have very different efficiency values and rankings among these three models, which indicated that a single-technology model may be good enough for most pig farms.
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