

作者(外文):Chouyin Hsu
主題關鍵詞:知識地圖情境描述資料挖掘資源描述架構(RDF)專案知識知識管理Knowledge MapContext informationTopic MapsData MiningRDF/XMLKnowledge Management
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目前,企業內以專案的方式完成各項任務是最普遍的工作型態。更多的企業也逐漸將專案移至Internet 上執行,以促進不同部門及組織間的合作。事實上,一個專案的完成,涉及各種不同的資源的運用及解決問題的方法。這些都是重要的企業智慧資產,對於支援未來專案的進行有很大的助益。因此,整理歷史專案,系統化的發展專案知識是非常有利於企業中的知識支援。基本上,一個專案的工作者經常在同一段時間內從事多個專案的開發。因此,當開發專案知識的同時,保持與使用者的互動,了解使用者的資訊需求,以適時的支援相關的專案知識,是一個非常重要的環節。
因此本研究提出一個以開發專案知識為導向的知識地圖架構,並特別加上情境描述的資訊 (context),來幫助發展過程中的溝通及理解能力。以 Topic Maps 為基礎的知識地圖架構,注重分散式專案資源的系統化,使用者的互動,及發掘內部的關聯知識,以建構有意義的知識地圖來完整表達專案知識。其中,特別提出情境資訊的描述(context),用來記錄開發專案的操作經驗,並與目前系統使用者進行互動。這功能將有助於建構知識地圖的架構中,保持重要的聯繫及理解能力。其中,更利用資料探勘的方法加強內部知識的發現。而且,情境資訊的描述,增加專案發展的環境資訊,更有助於限制式資料探勘(constraint-based data mining) 的進行。因此,以開發專案知識為導向的知識地圖架構可順利完成專案知識的建構,並支援以使用者適用為主的的知識地圖,引導使用者好好利用專案知識。
Forming projects to achieve different objectives and works is an essential work-type in most organizations. Moreover, many enterprises implement various business projects on the Internet for extending collaboration across different departments and organizations. Accomplishing projects essentially involves extensive resources and useful solutions which are valuable enterprise assets for supporting further project development. Therefore, systematically constructing project knowledge from historical projects is helpful for efficient knowledge support. Basically, a project worker is mostly engaged in various projects and seeks different references from project knowledge. Accordingly, interacting with users and responding the relevant part of project knowledge according to user information needs is an inevitable effort as integrating project knowledge.
Therefore, we propose the framework of project-based knowledge map for developing project knowledge and deliberately introduce project context for improving the communication and understanding in the framework. Based on Topic Maps, ISO/IEC 13250, the framework of project-based knowledge map is helpful for regulating project resources, interacting with users, extracting internal knowledge patterns, and constructing the project-based knowledge map for users. Particularly, project context improves the description of previous project experiences and the user interaction with current project developers for increasing the connections in the proposed framework. Multiple-phase data mining methods are therefore employed for knowledge discovery. Moreover, project context which provides the annotation of important operational information of project development is helpful for constraint-based data mining operation. Consequently, the construction of project knowledge and the user-depend knowledge support are fulfilled in the framework of project-based knowledge map.
A primitive system is developed for illustrating the significance of the framework of project-based knowledge map. Furthermore, RDF/XML technology is proposed for explaining the evolution of the project-based knowledge map in the system. The advantage facilitates the dissemination of project-based knowledge map across various applications over the Internet. Accordingly, the development and exploitation of the project-based knowledge map are accomplished in this research.
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