

作者(外文):Ling, mei-ai
主題關鍵詞:非制式學習科學本質科學家意像informal learningnature of scienceimage of scientists
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本研究主要在探討邀請科學家以專題講座方式進入校園,對高中生學習科學的影響以及學生對於科學本質與科學家意像的瞭解之影響。本研究採人種誌研究法,是以一個高中物理教師的角度,去詮釋專題講座對學生的影響。主要的研究工具為林陳涌 (1996)所編製的「了解科學本質量表」測試問卷,共計72題,進行科學本質的前、後測,希望比較出參加講座與否及參加的場次多寡對於學生科學本質的影響。此外於四個學期期末進行講座問卷調查、科學家意像問卷調查以及心得報告寫作,並於每學期挑選5名學生進行晤談,俾有助於詮釋量化的資料。
研究結果顯示,由於專題講座的多元面貌、參與科學家的特質、講座內容對科學知識及技術發展的完整陳述、講座可以呈現出學科統整性 (科學家解決問題需應用要各領域知識)、科學家研究真實世界的問題,呈現出科學與日常生活的關聯及講座最後提問的設計等,使參與學生在與科學家的互動中,產生動腦 (minds-on) 的心智運作歷程及邏輯思考,引發學生的好奇心及對科學的興趣,對學生的科學學習有正面的功能。
一、 在科學本質部分,參加講座的學生在科學本質量表的科學知識、科學探究與科學志業三個向度中,前後測呈現顯著差異,顯示講座的進行有助於高中生對科學本質理解的提昇。
二、 在科學家意像方面,由於與科學家的親身接觸,改變了學生對科學家原先的刻板印象,尤其在外觀及人格特質部分。顯示以專題講座方式增加學生與科學家的接觸,是一個有效的教學中介策略。
三、 邀請科學家以專題講座的方式進入校園,此種非制式的學習方式,藉由學生的主動參與,提供高中生與科學家面對面接觸的機會,有超過85%的參與學生表示,對其產生影響:這些影響包括增加了學生學習科學的興趣、參與科學活動的次數、以及增加了學生對科學家志業的瞭解和強化了學生的自信。
The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of high school students’ in learning science, the understanding of nature of science(NOS) and the construction of the image of scientists who were invited into the high school to give a lecture on several special topics. Both qualitative and quantitative research method were used. The main research tool was the scale in nature of science by Lin C.Y.,which contained seventy-two questions was divided into three parts. We took the pre-test and post-test,and saw whether there was a difference between attendance and non-attendance.to the lecture. And also saw the times that students attend the lectures.how to affect the understanding of NOS. We proceeded the questionnaires and report after every semester for two years, and .interviewed five students, hope to explain the quantitative data.
Data from NOS were analyzed with SPSS 10thed for the difference between the pre-test and post-test. And we used the questionnaires and interviews to investigate the students’ interest in science learning and the image of scientists, then compared with these datas.
The research of this research discovered:
1. The score of students that attend the lecture have the clear differences in three parts of scale of NOS—the scientific knowledge, the scientific inquiry and science enterprise.
2. The stereotype image of scientists have changed through communication with the scientist by students themselves, especially on appearance and personality. This shows the pattern through the lecture increases the opportunities to contact with the scientists, and it is an intervention strategy.
3. The pattern that invited the science into the school to give a lecture on several special topics offered the opportunities that the students contact with the scientists. Above eighty-five percent students say they have affected including the interesting to learn science, the frequency to join in the science activities, the improvement in understanding the science enterprise and increase the confidence.
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