

作者(外文):Chang-Cheng Changchien
主題關鍵詞:指數加權移動平均法歷史模擬法風險值一般化條件異質變異數模型EWMAGARCH ModelHistorical SimulationValue at Risk
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EWMA 於Hull 與 White (1998)所提出之結合近期波動資訊的歷史模擬法。再者,
本研究亦提出一個結合power EWMA 與歷史模擬法的二階段估計風險值模型,以
估隨時間改變的波動行為之Power EWMA 估計式,可避免運用GARCH 模型時必
構的結合power EWMA於Hull 與 White (1998)之修正方式與本研究所提出的結合
power EWMA 與歷史模擬法的二階段估計風險值模型除了保有歷史模擬法容易估
計的特性外,確實也能夠提昇風險值的預測能力。再者,當以Kupiec (1995)檢定
法比較Hull 與White 修正方式與兩階段修正方式的設定方式時,本研究建議採用
Although the historical simulation possesses privileged advantages in estimating
portfolio VaR, it still has to deal with inherent dilemma problems caused by using
massive amounts of historical data. These problems are mainly attributed to the fact that
it usually misses situations with temporarily elevated volatility. This phenomenon of
time-varying volatility has been recognized in practice and literature. Consequently, the
negative impact caused on the estimative accuracy of portfolio VaR could be so
significant that the practicability of historical simulation may become nothing at all.
To solve the above problems concerned, this study proposes a two-stage approach
combining the Power EWMA estimator with the historical simulation when estimating
Value-at-Risk. Our method can avoid estimating parameters to forecast the variance
when using GARCH model and retains the easy usages characteristic of the historical
simulation approach. In addition, we also use the kurtosis coefficients to estimate the
distribution form for capturing the time-varying volatility. In the light of results of the
conservative, accuracy and efficiency, the empirical result shows that the proposed
method can considerably enhance the estimation accuracy of Value-at-Risk.
Moreover, from the results of the Kupiec (1995) test, our two-stage approach
indeed provides relatively promising performances on the forecasting accuracy of VaR,
in contrast with the Hull and White’s (1998) method. We particularly highlight that this
capturing capability comes from its own dynamic availability of tail-fatness through
kurtosis calculated.
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