

作者(外文):Huang-Hung Sen
主題關鍵詞:弊端揭發行政倫理能力分班檢察一體生技園區開發Administrative EthicsWhistle-BlowingNormal Class Distributionunity of prosecutorial organbiotechnical development project
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Recent scandal-like incidents in Taiwan triggered a curiosity about the reaction of public officials on these events. Some officials chose to reveal the problem to the public, while some other had chosen to remain silent. A relevant issue is that how these whistle-blowers would fare afterward. By thorough investigation this thesis proposes several factors that may influence the decision of whistle-blowing, including the features of incidents, the moral sense and personality of the potential whistle blowers, and availability of internal correction mechanisms. The findings confirm that the whistle-blowing endeavors have only marginal effects on overall policy direction. This study concludes that increasing communications within organization, enforcing employees’ participation, opening public information, and abiding by organizational democracy are the solutions for possible whistle-blowing problems within organizations.


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