

作者(外文):Chien-chen Chen
主題關鍵詞:相容性產品差異性軟體保護軟體盜版網路外部性社會矛盾庫諾競爭Network ExternalitySocial delimma.Cournot CompetitionSoftware PiracySoftware ProtectionCompatibilityDifferentiated product
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有關相容性問題,第二章利用一個兩家廠商,兩階段的賽局模型進行分析。我們假設第一階段廠商先決定產品相容性,而第二階段則進行數量競爭。而在模型中,產品差異性為一個外生變數。透過這樣的設定,試圖去分析當市場存在網路外部性之下,廠商在產品相容性與差異性的最適選擇。我們發現廠商將產品相容性提高對自己越是不利,並且當產品相容性越高(越低)之下,廠商會試圖將產品差異化提高(降低)來減少損失。另外,本文發現在庫諾競爭之下,產品最小差異化原則不存在,而會出現產品最大差異化原則。最後在產品相容性為一個廠商可選擇的變數之下,會出現Social dilemma的狀況。
The main concern of this thesis is to investigate firms’ strategies when the network effect exists in the market including two issues: the firm’s decision on the compatibility and anti-piracy problem. In chapter 2, we add in the existing literature with product differentiation to analyze its effect onto a firm’s decision about compatibility. Chapter 3 and 4 are dedicated to the issue of piracy problem.
In chapter 2, using a two-stage game model with two firms, we suppose that firms decide their degrees of product compatibility and then choose their outputs under Cournot competition. Through this setting, we explore the equilibrium choice of product compatibility and differentiation when network effect exists. We find that a firm with a higher degree of compatibility to other products has a more disadvantage in competition. We find that a firm with a higher (lower) compatibility to other firm is more likely to increase (decrease) degree of differentiation. The principle of minimum differentiation as in location literature does not exist under our Cournot model, but the principle of maximum differentiation exists. When considering compatibility as a choice variable, the social dilemma occurs and firms under Cournot equilibrium will choose the lowest degree of compatibility, but the social optimal occurs when both firms choose the highest degree of compatibility.
In chapter 3, we consider the piracy problem by using a duopoly price competition model for analyzing software firms’ strategy on law-protection. Moreover, the behavior of software users is also analyzed. We find that all type-1 and part of type-2 using software is the unique equilibrium when software is unprotected. When both software firms adopt protection strategy, an equilibrium where some type-2 consumers buy software exists. It exists two different kinds of demand pair depending on the size of extra-supporting provided by software firm. Finally, we find that the equilibrium price under none-protection is larger than under protection in the same equilibrium consumption group.
Chapter 4 follows the model in chapter 3 only with asymmetric law-protection strategies of the firms. Firms can differ in the choices of law protection strategy. By this study, whether to using law protection becomes a choice variable in the first stage, which is expected to change the competition of the firms. We also consider the software protection game in this chapter. In asymmetric strategies of software protection, equilibrium exists two cases: only part consumers of both types use software、all type-1 and part type-2 consumers use software. When firms adopt asymmetric strategies of software protection, the firm adopting software protection charges a higher price than the firm without protection policy facing more type-1. Through the software protection game, we know the extra-supporting service effect turns out to play a key factor to determine the market equilibrium.
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