

作者(外文):Pei-Shan Wu
主題關鍵詞:買賣升降單位純委託單驅動市場限價單交易者股價波動性股價跳躍行為Tick-SizePure-Order Driven MarketLimit-Order traderStock Price VolatilityJump Behavior of Stock Price
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第一篇主要目的是檢視縮小買賣升降單位後對市場交易成本、深度與交易量的影響,並深入探討主要提供市場流動性的限價單投資者(limit order trader)在買賣升降單位縮小後,是否提升買賣委託的價格競爭,而加強市場價格發現能力;此外,並檢視此政策是否有強化市場價格優先機制,而使限價單交易會透過價格優先來獲取市場利潤,使日內時段的市場深度有所變化,以了解升降單位在提供流動性過程中所扮演的角色與其政策效益。實證結果發現買賣降單位縮小會使整體市場交易成本降低、整體市場深度變小,而整體市場交易量則無顯著性影響。此外,買賣升降單位縮小確實具有強化價格優先的特性,能提升整體市場的價格發現能力,且交易者能更積極在盤中流動性較高的時段透過價格優先來獲取市場利潤,使盤中市場深度減少效果較大。
第二篇是透過ARJI (Autoregressive Conditional Jump Intensity)模型,來研究台灣股票市場日內個股價格因受私有信息與資訊不對稱問題而產生跳躍行為的變化,透過觀察日內個股價格波動與價格調整過程,以進一步了解私有信息如何反應和被逐漸吸收到個股價格中。實證結果發現ARJI模型其誤差項應設定為Skewed-t分配,以能更適切捕捉股價的日內波動性。此外,樣本公司股價報酬總變異的日內型態呈現近L型變化,並發現因私有信息所引起股價報酬的跳躍行為是解釋各股股價報酬總變異日內型態的重要原因之一。而樣本公司股價報酬之跳躍序列亦存在近L型的日內型態,更可明確說明為何開盤1小時內各股股價報酬會有較大波動的原因。最後發現買賣升降單位縮小後對各股股價日內波動性並沒有一致性的影響,此可能與各股特性、交易者行為、或其他因素等差異有關。
This dissertation focuses on the market’s response to Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation reducing minimum tick-size on March, 1, 2005. It contains two papers, the first is “The Influence of Limit Order Trader by Reducing Tick Size” and the second is “The Analysis of Intraday Jump Behavior of Stock Price”.
The main study of the first paper is to examine the influence of reducing tick size on trading cost, depth and trading volume. And it studies deeply about the limit order trader who offers market liquidity to see if it can raise the limit orders’ price competition to enforce the market price discovery. Furthermore, it also reviews if the policies can strength the market price priority to let the limit orders trading earn the market profits by price priority. By the variance of intraday market depth, it will help to understand the role that the tick size plays in offering the liquidity process and the policy benefit. The evidence proves that reducing tick size would make the full market trading decline and shortens the depth; however, it has no influence on the market volume. Besides, reducing tick size indeed strength the market price priority and raises the whole market price discovery. The result also finds that the traders would earn market profits actively by price priority in the period of higher liquidity span and enlarge the market depth during the middle trading period.
The second paper is to study the variance of jump behavior which individual stock’s intraday price was made by private information and asymmetric information problem in Taiwan stock market. By surveying the variance and adjustment process of intraday individual stock’s price, we can further understand how private information response and gradually absorb the individual stock’s price. The evidence shows that the error term of ARJI model should be set as Skewed-t distribution to catch the intraday stock price variance. In addition, the intraday pattern of variance of stocks return appears to be “L” shaped, and the jump behaviors of stocks’ price return made by private information are one of the most important reasons to analyze the intraday pattern of stocks’ price variance. The jump series from sample firm stocks’ price also have the “L” shaped intraday pattern, which can explain clearly why individual stock’s price return have higher variance within the first hour opening trading period. Finally, the evidence shows that reducing tick size has no influence on the intraday volatility of stocks; it might be related to the difference of individual stock’s property, trader behavior and other reasons.
第一篇 縮小買賣升降單位對限價單交易者行為的影響
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第二篇 股價日內跳躍行為之探討
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