

作者:黃燕萍 引用關係
作者(外文):Yan-ping Huang
主題關鍵詞:分群演算法資料探勘樣板探勘時間序列分析Pattern discoveryCluster analysisData miningTime series analysis
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因此,本研究嘗試以概念階層樹結合資料探勘的架構,利用物以類聚的原理,從分析過去的樣本資料中,針對財務類型資料庫之時間序列資料,學習樣版辨識,利用同類相聚的特性以達分群之目的;更進一步在模式中找出未知、潛在但具有實用性的樣版資訊,及精簡且具代表性的規則,以此協助預估財務資料的變動。目前本研究運用ESA演算法結合EViSOM (Extended Visualization-induced Self -Organizing Map)及EAOI (Extended Attribute-Oriented Induction),以視覺化展現多維度資料知識的呈現方式,可處理混合型資料,並且在處理混合型資料時,具有學習、非線性、無模式估計及良好歸納推演能力的優點。本研究提出以概念階層為導向之樣版資料探勘模式,使用ESA分群演算法,進行時間序列資料分群樣版特徵探勘。此模式可以從混合型資料中,探勘出實用的樣版知識及精簡且具代表性的規則。
Data mining, a recent and contemporary topic, is the process of automatically searching large volumes of data for patterns in computing. Nowadays, pattern discovery is a field within the area of data mining. In general, large volumes of time series data are contained in financial database and these data have some useful patterns which could not be found easily. Many financial studies in time series data analysis use linear regression model to estimate the variation and trend of the data. However, traditional methods of time series analysis used special types or linear models to describe the data. Linear models can achieve high accuracy when linear variation of the data is small, however, if the variation range exceeds a certain limit, the linear models has a lower performance in estimated accuracy. Among these traditional methods, SOM (Self Organizing Map) is a well-known non-linear model to extract pattern with numeric data. Many researches extract pattern from numeric data attributes rather than categorical or mixed data. It does not extract the major values from pattern rules, either.
The purpose of this study is to provide a novel architecture in mining patterns from mixed data that uses a systematic approach in the financial database information mining, and try to find the patterns for estimate the trend or for special event’s occurrence. This present study employs ESA algorithm which integrates both EViSOM algorithm and EAOI algorithm. EViSOM algorithm is used to calculate the distance between the categorical and numeric data for pattern finding, whereas EAOI algorithm serves to generalize major values using conceptual hierarchies for patterns and major values extraction in financial database. The attempt of using ESA algorithm in this study is to discover the pattern in the Concept Hierarchy based Pattern Discovery (CHPD) architecture. Specifically, this architecture facilitates the direct handling of mixed data, including categorical and numeric values. This mining architecture is able to simulate human intelligence and discover patterns automatically, and it also demonstrates knowledge pattern discovery and rule extraction.
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