

作者(外文):Tuan-Fang Fan
主題關鍵詞:知識管理資料探勘決策邏輯粗略集知識表徵矢決策邏輯knowledge managementdata miningdecision logicrough setknowledge representationarrow decision logic
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In recent years, knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) and its kernel data mining have received
more and more attention for practical applications. While the mainstream research of data mining
concentrates on the design of efficient algorithms for extracting knowledge from databases, the
question to close the semantic gap between structured data and human-comprehensible concepts
has been a lasting challenge for the research community. Since the discovered knowledge is useful
for a human user only when he can understand its meaning, the representation formalism will
play an important role during the knowledge management life cycle.
In this dissertation, we investigate several extensions of decision logic (DL) from the perspective
of rough set theory. Traditionally, DL has been considered as a standard way of knowledge
representation for rough set-based data mining, whereas our extensions show that DL-styled logics
are also useful in more complicated knowledge management tasks.
On the one hand, we propose some decision logic languages for rule representation in rough
set-based multicriteria decision analysis. The semantic models of these logics are data tables
representing multicriteria decision records. Each decision record is described by a finite set of
criteria/attributes. The domains of the criteria may have ordinal properties expressing preference
scales, while the domains of the attributes may not.
On the other hand, we propose an arrow decision logic (ADL) to represent and reason about
knowledge discovered from relational information systems (RIS). The logic combines the main
features of decision logic (DL) and arrow logic (AL). AL is the basic modal logic of arrows.
ADL formulas are interpreted in RIS which not only specifies the properties of objects, but also
the relationships between objects. We present a complete axiomatization of ADL and discuss
its application to knowledge representation in multicriteria decision analysis and social network
Our work is particularly useful for the knowledge representation phase in the knowledge management
life cycle. A realistic scenario about human resource management is used to show how
the proposed logics can serve as representational formalisms in different stages of the recruitment
process and team formation process of a company.
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