

作者(外文):Yu-Chieh Chang
主題關鍵詞:環境不確定性創造力工作過載吸收能力知識創造資訊科技創新information technology innovationenvironmental uncertaintywork overloadcreativityabsorptive capacityknowledge creation
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How to facilitate knowledge creation from the perspective of innovation remains a problem. To address this, this study proposes an integrated model that combines three schools of knowledge creation: innovation school, learning school, and problem-solving school. Specifically, our model includes the following variables: absorptive capacity, work overload, information technology (IT) innovation, environmental uncertainty, and knowledge creation activity. The premise of our model is that a knowledge creation activity for IT is influenced by IT users’ innovative propensity, their absorptive capacity, and work overload. In addition, we posit that the above relationship is contingent upon environmental uncertainty. To assess the research model, we adopted a survey method, collecting 214 useful responses for final data analysis. Results demonstrated that SECI is affected by absorptive capacity directly, and by work overload indirectly through users’ propensity to innovate with IT. In addition, environmental uncertainty exerts moderating influences on the above relationships. Implications of this study for managers and researchers are offered. Future research directions are also outlined.
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