

作者:劉奕岑 引用關係
作者(外文):I-Tsen liu
主題關鍵詞:情緒反應臉部表情情緒表情符號色彩意象emotional reactionfacial expressionsymbolic expressioncolor imagery
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Several kinds of emotions are full of our daily life. When an emotion is activated, not only facial expressions, tone of voices and body movement, but also a series of physical changes, such as rapid breath, sweating, facial rush, rapid heart beating and increasing blood pressure could be detected. Because of the complicated mechanisms are activated when people express emotions, this study only proposed to investigate facial expressions, those symbolic facial expressions commonly used from internet and 35 kinds of colors that studied from P.C.C.S in Japan.
Culture, a summarized name for a specific life style, plays an important role in our daily life. In addition, it contains the attitude that people have for their life styles. Therefore, culture does not only play a role in releasing people’s potential abilities, but also conditions human behaviors. Because of its sociality and creativity, culture could be a basis for our social principle. Moreover, gender differences is not only on the physical differences, but also has different role identification. This is not only because of physical differences, but also because of gender stereotypes.
This study aimed to explore whether different cultures and genders have different processing in facial expressions, symbolic expressions, color images and emotional reactions. The participants were undergraduates from Taiwan, Japan and United states. The results showed that even for each facial expression, symbolic expression, color imagery has different intensity. In addition, culture was found to influence our cognitive processing in facial expressions, symbolic expressions and color imagery. In addition, gender effect was found in cognitive processing. However, this effect was not found when compare participants within the same culture. The results in this study may provide fundamental knowledge for those researchers who are interested in the similar fields, and other article application, such as platform performance, movie arts and designs.
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