

作者(外文):Wu Shu-fen
主題關鍵詞:民主學習環境科學創造力自我效能democratic learning environmentscience creativityself-efficacy
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本研究以杜威的「民主」觀點為主,配合建構主義, Piaget的觀點,與 Vygotsky及Bandura的社會互動理論來架構「民主學習」的理念。研究的目的在於了解學生在科學學習的過程中,其科學創造力是否受到個案教師經營的民主學習環境(Democratic Learning Environment)及學生對於民主學習環境的知覺所影響?又如何影響? 本研究的研究問題有三: 一、個案教師經營民主學習環境為何? 二、民主學習環境中個案學生的科學創造力為何? 三、個案教師所經營的民主學習環境對個案學生的科學創造力有何影響? 研究者經由了解個案教師與學生對於民主學習環境的知覺,及教師經營民主學習環境的自我效能信念,進而了解個案教師所營造的民主學習環境對於學生科學學習產生之影響,特別針對其與科學創造力的關連性進行探索。 研究顯示在個案教師所營造的民主學習環境中,學生感受到教師所營造的尊重、自由、快樂、鼓勵與師生共同學習知覺,影響個案班級學生的學習態度及方式,進而與其科學創造力的表現產生關聯。個案班級女生的流暢力及科學創造力增長情形皆與民主學習環境知覺產生正相關。且在個案教師所經營的民主學習環境中,個案學生的流暢力、變通力及獨創力後測表現均呈現成長。 關鍵字:民主學習環境、科學創造力、自我效能
Based on democratic notion from Dewey for the basis, and matched Constructivism, Vygotsky and the theory for Social interaction from Bandura to explore the possibility for democratic learning. The major purpose of this study were to understand the process of science learning, Are the science creativity influenced on the democratic learning environment managed from the case teacher and the perceptions from the students? What are the influences on case student’s learning? There are three questions for this study: What is the democratic learning environment from the case teacher managing? What is the science creativity of the case students in the democratic learning environment? What is the relation between science creativity and democratic learning environment? The researcher expects to understand the perceptions from the case teacher to democratic learning environment and the self-efficacy belief of managing democratic learning environment. We hope to understand the influence of the democratic learning environment on of science learning, especially the relations between science creativity and democratic learning environment. The results of this study are the perceptions including respect, freedom, happy, encourage and teacher learning together with students from the case students in the democratic learning environment from the case teacher managing. These perceptions influenced the attitudes and methods of learning on case students, also connected with the science creativity for case students. The growth of science creativity and fluency on the girls in case class is positive relation with the perceptions of democratic learning environment. There are demonstrations of fluency, flexibility and originality on case student in the democratic learning environment. Key word: democratic learning environment, science creativity, self-efficacy
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