

作者(外文):Chia-Li Li
主題關鍵詞:新移民女性母職new female immigrantmotherhood
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 摘 要
本研究係以一位越南籍新移民女性作為研究參與者,她育有二個兒子,一個國小六年級、一個四年級,經營一家越南小吃店。小吃店即是研究現場,經過一年多深入訪談及實地觀察, 研究結果如下:
The new female immigrant’s awareness and practices of motherhood: taking a Vietnamese mother for example
This study is aimed to investigate the new female immigrant’s awareness and practices of motherhood. Currently there are many female immigrants who come to Taiwan due to marriage. Some of the general public, however, do not quite understand their roles as mothers, and some even take a negative view on their motherhood. It is thus believed that there is a need for the new female immigrants to speak out their own viewpoints on motherhood and how they carry it out. The motherhood in this study, according to many studies, is explored in three aspects: physiological, nurturing and laboring.
The purpose of this study is three-fold:
1. Adopting the feminist’s perspectives, this study tries to analyze the immigrant’s awareness and practices. Are there any effects of ethnicity, gender, and social status on mother’s subjectivity? If any, how much is it affected?
2. Using culture as the main research line, this study tries to understand whether the immigrant has any different taboos, customs or experiences in childbearing from those in Taiwan?
3. Is their current mothering (including nurturing, caring, and laboring) inherent from Vietnamese culture, identified with Taiwan’s, mixed, or a totally new one? How are they aware of it?
The participant in this study is a new female immigrant from Vietnam. She has two sons, one in grade 6 and the other grade 4. She is currently running a Vietnamese eatery, where most of the research interviews took place. After more than one year of in-depth interviews and on-spot observation, the findings are as follow:
1. The awareness and practices of motherhood are affected by ethnicity and gender.
2. Vietnam has different customs in childbearing from Taiwan’s, and she tends to comply with Taiwan’s customs.
3. She is always worried about children’s academic studies because of her own lack of confidence in the local language.
4. She is also worried about children’s disadvantage in education due to the economic pressure for the low social-economic people.
5. Children are thought of as completely Taiwanese and the nurturing values have no difference between Taiwan and Vietnam.
6. Traditional and new generation’s differences in gender roles have an effect on mother’s caring and laboring.
Based upon the insight gained from this study, suggestions for government and the public have been recommended.
Keywords: new female immigrant, motherhood
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