

作者(外文):Yih-hwang Yang
主題關鍵詞:供應商選擇多目標線性規劃層級分析法模糊妥協規劃Multi-Objective Linear ProgrammingSupplier selectionAnalytical Hierarchy ProcessFuzzy Compromise Programming
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In today’s highly competitive environment, an effective supplier selection process is very important for a purchasing manger in achieving success of any manufactory organization. Mainly selecting the right suppliers significantly reduces the purchasing cost and improves corporate competitiveness. However, supplier selection process should consider numerous heterogeneous criteria simultaneously, thereby be a tedious task while making purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the supplier selection process becomes more complicated when considering quantity discounts at the same time. Under such circumstances, most studies often formulate such problem as a Multi-Objective Linear Programming (MOLP) problem, and then scale it down to a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problem in order to handle the inherited multi-objectives simultaneously. However, this approach often neglects scaling and subjective weighting issues. In order to ease the problem mentioned above and obtain a more reasonable compromise solution for allocating order quantities among suppliers with their quantity discount rate offered, the two sets of solution procedures including Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) & fuzzy compromise programming and AHP & normalized weights, are introduced in this study. An illustrated example is presented to demonstrate the proposed model and to illuminate two kinds of attitudes for decision makers. The information from the experiments can be utilized further to explain the suppliers’ possible improvement and to help create win-win policies.
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