

作者:楊文芬 引用關係
作者(外文):Yang, Wen-Fen Irene
主題關鍵詞:企業形象組織人才吸引力個人差異Corporate imageOrganizational attractivenessIndividual differences
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近年來,招募領域的學者對於企業形象如何影響應徵者吸引力已有初步瞭解。但是,相關文獻中關於企業形象內涵之瞭解,以及企業形象與組織人才吸引力之間的關係,會受到哪些限制條件(boundary condition)的影響,仍為少見。本文延伸過去研究,就電腦製造業之出缺工作為例,採用538名員工及學生求職者,以實驗法探討企業形象各構面對於組織人才吸引力的影響,並檢視應徵者個人特質變數—從屬需求、對環境敏感性及物質主義—的干擾效果。研究結果顯示企業產品形象、企業公民形象及企業信譽形象對組織人才吸引力皆有正向影響。此外;結果亦顯示對環境敏感性會干擾企業公民形象與組織人才吸引力間的關係,亦即,當應徵者具有較高的對環境敏感性時,企業公民形象對於組織人才吸引力的效果越強。
Although research has identified positive influence of corporate image on applicant attraction, little recruitment research has examined the boundary conditions of the relationship between corporate image and organizational attractiveness. In a sample of 538 potential applicants, we examined the relationship between corporate image and organizational attractiveness. Applicants’ characteristics including need for affiliation, environmental sensitivity, and materialism were considered as possible moderators. The results showed that corporate product image, corporate citizenship image, and corporate credibility image were positively associated with organizational attractiveness. Moreover, we found that applicants who were more environmentally sensitive were more attracted to organizations with higher corporate citizenship image.
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