

作者(外文):Chia-Hui Chou
主題關鍵詞:行銷動態能力市場學習關係學習學習文化marketing dynamic capabilitiesmarket-based learningrelational learninglearning culture
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This dissertation aims to develop the operationalized definition of marketing dynamic capabilities, and to explore the mechanisms by which firms can enhance their marketing dynamic capabilities. Acquiring new customers is as important as retaning current customers for firms. Firms have to enhance their operating efficiency to obtain benefits from current markets while paying attention to long term development; otherwise they may be weeded out due to failing to adapt to the changing environment. Put differently, firms have to possess the capabilities to explore new markets as well as the ones to exploit the current markets. Therefore, this dissertation defines marketing dynamic capabilities as marketing exploration and marketing exploitation capabilities, and draws on the “learning mechanisms-dynamic capabilities-performance” framewoek to establish the research model. According to the dynamic capabilies perspective and the evolutionary economics, learning guides the evolution of dynamic capabilities. Thus, the roles of two learning mechanisms that may contribute to marketing capabilities are investigated; that is, market-based learning and relational learning. Besides, as the relationship between learning and dynamic capabilities may be not lenear, learning culture is incorporated to the framework as the moderator based on the contingency perspective.
The sample of this research is 164 manufacturing firms in Taiwan. Empirical results indicate that market-based learning positively influences both markering exploration and marketing exploitation capabilities. Relational learning has no significant effects on the two marketing dynamic capabilities. However, its effect on marketing exploration capability is enhanced by learning culture. Learning culture exhibits different moderating effects on the two learning activities. The stronger the learning culture, the stronger the effect of relational learning on marketing exploration. In contrast, the impacts of market-based learning on both marketing exploration and exploitation capabilities are weaker when learning culture is strong. These results demonstrate that though firms mainly rely on market information to develop marketing dynamic capabilities, they will also value other learning opportunities, such as relational learaning, to acquire knowledge if learning culture is strong. Marketing exploration capability significantly influences market performance. While marketing exploitation capability positively influences both the market performance and financial performance, its influence on market performance is not as strong as marketing exploration capability. This implies that to enhance short term efficiency while simultaneously securing long term development, marketing exploration and marketing exploitation capabilities are both important to firms and should not be ignored. Finally, implications of this research and suggestions for future research are offered.
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