

題名:The Relationship between Team Identification, Perceived Congruence, and Sponsor Credibility on Sports Team Sponsor’s Brand Equity in a Cross-Country Context
作者(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
主題關鍵詞:跨國比較贊助者可信性運動贊助品牌權益球隊認同知覺一致性Cross-Country ComparisonSponsor CredibilityPerceived CongruenceTeam IdentificationSports SponsorshipBrand Equity
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本論文主要目的為二: (1)探討球隊認同(team identification)、知覺一致性(perceived congruence)對贊助者可信性(sponsor’s credibility)的影響以及其對運動隊伍贊助商其品牌權益(sponsor’s brand equity)之效果; (2)此一假設關係是否在台灣與印尼-分別代表主要的兩個亞洲市場-儒家市場(Confusion Market)以及伊斯蘭市場(Islamic Market)有所差異。研究資料主要來自於台灣以及印尼的職業運動隊伍的球迷。藉由與職業棒球與職業足球隊伍的球迷後援會進行合作,台灣與印尼分別蒐集到242與232位球迷供本論文進行分析。
整體來說,研究結果顯示對球隊的認同(team identification)以及知覺到贊助者以及被贊助的職業運動隊伍形象的一致性(perceived congruence)對贊助者的可信度(sponsor’s credibility)具有正向影響,而贊助者的可信度(sponsor’s credibility)又會更進一步提升贊助者的品牌權益(sponsor’s brand equity)。然而,對球隊的認同(team identification)對台灣球迷而言並未提升其對贊助者的可信度(sponsor’s credibility),對印尼球迷而言則是形象的一致性(perceived congruence)無法提升贊助者的可信度(sponsor’s credibility)。
除此之外,研究結果亦顯示 “國家” (country) 在本論文提出的觀念性架構中扮演著一個干擾角色(moderating role),亦即,職業運動隊伍贊助商品牌權益的決定因素在兩個主要的亞洲市場是有所差異的。根據此研究結果,本論文詳述研究結論並提供管理意涵以及未來研究方向供後續研究之參考。
The main purpose of this dissertation is twofold: (a) To investigate the relationship between team identification and perceived congruence on sponsor credibility, which, in turn, affects sports team sponsor’s brand equity; and (b) To investigate whether the proposed conceptual framework varies across Taiwan and Indonesia, which represent two major Asian marketplaces, i.e., the Confucian and Islamic markets, respectively. Field data are collected from professional sports team fans in Taiwan and Indonesia. Two hundred forty-two questionnaires from Taiwan and 232 from Indonesia are collected by cooperating with the professional baseball and football team’s fans clubs.
In general, the findings support that team identification and perceived congruence between the sponsor and the sponsored sports team have a positive effect on the sponsor’s credibility, which in turn has a positive impact on the sponsor’s brand equity. However, the effects of team identification and perceived congruence on the sponsor’s credibility do not receive supportive evidence in Taiwan and Indonesia. In addition, the findings also support that “Country” plays a moderating role in the proposed conceptual framework, which means that the determinants of a sports team sponsor’s brand equity vary in these two major Asian marketplaces. Based on these findings, conclusions, research implications, and future research are discussed.
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