

作者(外文):Yu-Hsun Lin
主題關鍵詞:團隊認知團隊績效交換記憶系統集體心智創新規範成效innovation normsteam cognitionteam performanceperformance outcomestransactive memory system (TMS)collective mind
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This dissertation investigates how performance outcomes form among project teams by examining team cognition and innovation norms. Conceptualizing team cognition in terms of the transactive memory system (TMS) and the collective mind, this dissertation proposes a theory of how team cognition develops on project teams. The relationship between team cognition and innovation norms is scrutinized, as is the impact of those norms on performance outcomes. Longitudinal data were collected from 38 interdisciplinary project teams composed of 162 sophomores participating in a 16-week dormitory remodeling campaign. The results support the following conclusions: 1) the development of team cognition is influenced by the TMS, which exerts its effect through the collective mind of each interdisciplinary project team; 2) the collective mind is involved in the process of forming innovation norms; and 3) the collective mind and innovation norms affect performance outcomes in several ways. First, the collective mind directly influences performance outcomes, including subjective and objective team performance. Second, innovation norms affect subjective team performance but do not influence objective team performance. Third, the collective mind facilitates subjective team performance via innovation norms. By relating team cognition to innovation norms and performance outcomes, this dissertation provides both academics and practitioners with insight into how innovation norms form and how project teams achieve their desired performance outcomes.
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