

作者(外文):Chih-Neng Lin
主題關鍵詞:論證學習環境網路學習環境論證能力論證判準協調argumentation-based learning environmentnetworked learning environmentargumentation abilitiescriteria of argumentationCoordination
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本研究採用「論證即協調」(Argument as Coordination) 的論證理論觀點來設計論證文本及活動,以數學議題的論證文本作為媒材,透過故事情境的導引,將論證教學理論轉化為可在網路與課室學習環境中具體操作的論證課程,藉以提升學童的論證能力。學童需能根據現有證據、提出宣稱,而證據與宣稱之間需具備推理的合法性,在取得推理合法性的過程中,即是在進行證據與個人私有理論的「協調」,透過這種內在的協調過程以說服自己接受上述「以證據為基礎的宣稱」。同時,當學童個人觀點浮現時,受到個人學科背景知識的影響或是不同個體認知差異性的侷限等因素影響,因此個人觀點和他人觀點必須進行相互的溝通協調過程,透過外在社會對話的形式來進行說服協商,產生科學社群認同的知識宣稱。
研究方法採用準實驗研究的不等組前後測設計,以葉玉珠 (2003) 的「批判思考測驗-第一級」為前測,以研究者自編的「論證能力測驗」為後測進行共變數分析。而「論證能力測驗」的評分判準則根據文獻分析,同時考量論證的「結構因素」和「品質因素」兩向度,提出「論證能力檢核表」以對學童論證能力的表現進行檢核。研究對象為國小六年級學生共103人,進行連續八週的實驗教學活動後,比較網路論證學習環境組、課室論證學習環境組和對照組三組學生論證能力的表現。
This study aimed to design an argumentation-based learning environment, which was adopted the theory of “Argument as Coordination”, to promote the argumentation abilities of 6th grade students. First, we designed learning activities based on Kuhn’s (2005) argumentation theory. Students can collect data, organize information, interpret, explain and interact with others to increase their argumentation abilities in these activities. Second, we implemented these activities to Networked and Face-to-Face learning environments. Third, we offered the criteria of sound scientific argumentation and compared the effect of students' argumentation abilities.
Three intact classes with a total of 103 students participated in this study. The treatments lasted for eight weeks to compare the argumentation performance in three different groups: the “Networked argumentation-based learning group” (NG), the “Face-to-Face argumentation-based learning group” (FG), and the “control group” (CG). This study, which adopted a quasi-experimental design, used the “Critical Thinking Test- I” (Yeh, 2003) for pre-test and the “Argumentation Ability Test” for post-test.
The results showed that: a) The argumentation abilities of the students in the FG group were superior to those in the NG group and the effect size was medium. The implication revealed that the design of FG could be applied to teaching practice. b) Students’ argumentation focused- mainly on describing phenomenon instead of explaining it, c) Students defended their own claims while they were in the debate, d) Students rebut by identifying their opponents’ weaknesses in arguments, and e) students’ willingness and attitude of the argumentation have been improved. Suggestions for educational practice and future research in argumentation were also proposed.
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