

作者(外文):Ming-feng Wu
主題關鍵詞:責任感創新擴散計畫行為理論有機農業responsibilitytheory of innovation diffusiontheory of planned behaviororganic agriculture
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有機農業在全球許多地區穩定發展,預估到2012年,全台灣也將有超過5,000公頃的有機農地。為了瞭解影響農民投入有機農業的因素,本研究結合Ajzen (1988, 1991)的計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB) 與Rogers (1995) 的創新擴散理論 (theory of diffusion of innovation ),並增添責任感 (responsibility) 作為一個變項,嘗試建構一個解釋投入意向的模式。本研究成功訪問了166位參與農業改良場有機農業研習班的農民,以及187位參與各地農會農業講習會的農民。結果發現在有機農法班的農民部分,態度、責任感、知覺到的行為控制可以預測投入有機農業的意向;複雜性、相容性與可觀察性可以預測態度。在慣行農法班的農民部分,態度、主觀規範、知覺到的行為控制、責任感可以預測投入有機農業的意向;對環境的關切、複雜性與可觀察性可以預測態度。除此之外,本研究也發現,年紀較輕、教育程度較高、可耕地面積較大,以及懷疑親友因為農藥而生病的農民,比較有意願投入到有機農業。本研究也建議,為了提升農民投入到有機農業的意願,除了研擬相關補貼措施與方案以外。更重要的是,輔導單位要重視農民最關心的問題——技術、資訊、銷售、驗證與利潤等課題。
Organic agriculture has offered a more sustainable alternative to conventional agricultural production and has grown rapidly in many countries. By 2012, over 5,000 hectares of land will be farmed organically in Taiwan. To understand and predict Taiwanese farmers’ intention to become engaged in organic agricultural production, this study assessed participants’ behavior determinants based on an integrated model, including Ajzen’s (1988) theory of planned behavior and Roger’s (1995) theory of innovation diffusion. An extra variable—responsibility—was also added to the model.
The study interviews 166 farmers from organic farming class held by Agriculture Reform Fields, and 187 farmers from conventional farming class held by local Farmers’ Associations. Assessments show that for farmers who attended organic-farming classes, (a) attitude, perceived behavioral control and responsibility predict participants’ intention behind engagement in organic agriculture, and that (b) complexity, compatibility and observability predict their attitude. As for farmers who attended conventional-farming classes, assessments reveal that (a) attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and responsibility predict participants’ intention behind engagement in organic agriculture, and that (b) environmental concern, complexity and observability predict participants’ attitude. Furthermore, results also suggest that farmers who have younger ages, degrees of higher education, ownership of larger land, or suspicions that acquaintances fell ill due to pesticides are more willing to engage in organic agriculture. Implications regarding how to construct organic agriculture policy and how to distribute to farmers relevant information (e.g., certification process, sales skills and skills in organic farming) are discussed.
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