

作者(外文):Liao, Hsiang-Fan
主題關鍵詞:模糊層級程序分析法修正模糊層級程序分析法蟻群演算法銀行選擇FEAHPRevised FEAHPAnt Colony OptimizationBanking Selection
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本研究發展修正模糊層級程序分析法(Revised Fuzzy Extended Analytic Hierarchical Process, Revised FEAHP)與蟻群演算法(Ant colony optimization,ACO)建構一多準則決策模式,並以實例進行驗證,並以期望能協助企業在進行決策過程中找出可行的決策方法。
Wang et al.(2008)提出模糊層級程序分析法(Fuzzy Extended Analytic Hierarchical Process, FEAHP),容易將有用的決策準則或方案的權重指派為零,而導致有用的決策準則或方案不被列為考慮的問題;且FEAHP決定的權重無法呈現決策準則或方案的相關重要性而且無法被優先使用;以及FEAHP會錯誤地將最差的決策準則或方案選擇為最佳解;與FEAHP不能完全使用模糊資訊且當一些有用的決策準則或方案不合理地為零時,容易會造成有些有用的模糊矩陣被剔除,本研究提出修正FEAHP的模型,可避免任何有效的準則/方案遭到刪除,在修正FEAHP中將不會產生三角模糊數因為沒有相交而有零的狀況產生,故將不會有準則/方案被剔除的情況產生。
This Study utilizes revised fuzzy extended analytic hierarchical process (Revised FEAHP) and ant colony optimization to establish a multi-criteria decision model and proves with a case study. This model demonstrates that a business can benefit from the decision process. Wang et al., (2008) proposed extended analysis method on fuzzy AHP which cannot estimate the true weights from a fuzzy comparison matrix and has led to quite a number of misapplications in the literature. Wang et al.,(2008) also showed that extent analysis method do not represent the relative importance of decision criteria or alternatives and that the misapplication of the extent analysis method to fuzzy AHP problems may lead to a wrong decision to be made and some useful decision information such as decision and fuzzy comparison matrices not to be considered.
In this paper, a revised model of FEAHP which can be operated without eliminating any criteria/alternatives is proposed. Therefore, this revised model of FEAHP becomes more effective in estimating the importance of decision criteria/alternatives. Then, the weights of the criteria from the revised FEAHP were applied in the ACO decision model..
Ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO) is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs. This study utilizes fuzzy extended analytic hierarchy(FEAHP) and Ant colony system(ACO) to establish a multi-criteria decision model and proven with case study. The model can help business to find the a useful decision from the decision process.
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