

作者(外文):Liu, Hsian-Ming
主題關鍵詞:效率競爭優勢網絡資料包絡法公司治理風險值條件風險值EfficiencyCompetitive advantageNetwork DEACorporate governanceValue at RiskConditional VaR
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Taiwan’s financial industry remains highly fragmented and competitive after a series of financial liberalization and restructuring. With the enforcement of these fiscal policies, domestic financial institutions face a more dynamic, increasingly intense and highly competitive environment even as the banking industry’s overall efficiency has gradually been enhanced. This structural change has further forced financial institutions to inspect the performance of their strengths and weaknesses and to identify improvement directions so as to gain further competitive advantages.
To provide sufficient details of managerial performance and competitive advantage for financial holding companies (FHCs) in Taiwan, a multiple-factors performance model based on two-stage series model is employed to assess managerial performance and subsequently identify determinant governance mechanisms and risk factors of the FHCs in Taiwan by the truncated regression model.
The results of managerial performance indicate that the a FHC’ s profitability plays a critical role in the overall competitive advantage and small-size FHCs are suitable types in Taiwan’s current fragmented and overcrowded environment due to achieving better performance in profit efficiency and firm value productivity. In addition, the profit niche of all FHCs comes from their main businesses but other sideline activities also play an important role for FHCs’ overall profit, indicating that the cross-business integration of financial institutions can enlarge their business scope and then can create more benefits and profits for their survival and development.
With respect to the effect of governance mechanisms and risk factors, the results of the former indicated that the conventional governance mechanism has been confirmed as having a limited effect on the FHCs’ performance and the protection of shareholder’s rights. Thus, investors can adopt auxiliary governance variables to supervise the operation of invested firms and to help them to diagnose the probability of managerial expropriation for their investment. The latter reveals that the FHC’s managerial performance is significantly influenced by three factors including credit risk, market risk, and risk spillover. By using these risk measures, the FHCs’ management team and investors can not only conduct evaluation for their risk preferences but they can also diagnose the risk source of their investment portfolio and reduce operation risks to enhance managerial performance. This study provides a sufficient and informative perspective for the firm’s managers and investors to explore the FHCs’ managerial performance by considering competitive capability, governance mechanisms and risk factors.
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