

主題關鍵詞:希望理論大學生大學生生活目標量表團體諮商hope theorycollege studentsChinese domain-specific life goal scalegroup counseling
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Based on Snyder’s Hope Theory, this study aimed at developing a domain-specific
hope scale (officially named as Chinese domain-specific life goal scale) and group
counseling program for college students in order to understand and promote college
students’ hope in terms of six life arenas: social life, academic, romantic relationship,
family, work, and leisure life. The results of this study were as follows:
1. The study of construction and validation of the Chinese domain-specific life goal
scale: the items of the Chinese domain-specific life goal scale(CDSLGS) were
developed according to Snyder’s hope theory and Sympson(1999) six life arenas.
Each subscale contained items representing goal, agency, and pathways thinking.
CDSLGS were then gone through expert review (content validity), pilot test with item
analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, and validity test with confirmatory factor
analysis as well as criterion validity. In addition, correlation analysis, one-way
analysis of variance(ANOVA), and regression analysis were used to understand the
relationship between importance ratings and subscales. Results showed that CDSLGS
was suitable to use to understand college students’ six domain hope, and the addition
of the six subscale scores could stand for the total hope score. The exploration of the
relationship between importance ratings and scale scores supported the previous
studies that importance rating was a different concept than hope scores and that these
two concepts combined could help better understand individuals’ hope.
2. The survey of current college students’ hope status: The result of the investigation
of 1777 college students showed that gender and grades had no significant differences
on the total score, indicating these two variables playing no significant influences on
individuals’ total hope status. However, t-test showed that gender had significant but
small differences on academic, romantic relationship, family, as well as leisure life
subscales. ANOVA result showed that grades also yielded significant but small
differences on social life, academic, work, and leisure life subscales. Whether gender
and grades significantly influenced the above subscales and to what extent the
influences really existed needed further exploration.
3. The study of the effect of the hope group counseling program: This study developed
a group counseling program based on Hope Theory and went through experiment. The
results of the experiment were in the following: (1) although the grades of the
experiment group were promoted in post-test and follow-up, the post-test scores on
subscales and total were not significantly higher than the control group; (2) the
follow-up scores on subscales and total score of the experiment group were not
significantly higher than the control group; (3) the score changes of the experiment
group from pre-test to post-test on subscales and total scores were not significantly
higher than the control group; (4) the score changes of the experiment group from
pre-test to follow-up on subscales and total scores were not significantly higher than
the control group. The study then discussed the group process with relevant literature
to form a better hope group counseling program for college students.
4. The qualitative analysis of the hope group members’ subjective experiences: The
last part of the study used the qualitative approach to explore nine members’
subjective experiences regarding participation in one hope group. The results showed
that the hope group provided positive and sharing atmosphere to allow members to
share their goals, to start to crystallize what they want for their life. Moreover, results
showed that by sharing common hope and goals, by empathically listening,
understanding, responding, and encouraging one another, group members experienced
more positive self inner talk, therefore promoting their agency thoughts. However, the
qualitative analysis also showed that members generally lacked for the discussion of
pathways in various life domains. The qualitative exploration of members’ subjective experiences supported previous research and helped to form a better hope group
counseling program.
This study provided further discussion according to the results and suggestions for
further applications and research.
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