

作者(外文):Lan-hsin Hsu
主題關鍵詞:路徑依賴區域能力結構結構性權力國家主義理論經濟合作協議相互依賴理論Structural PowerCompetence StructurePath DependenceNationalism TheoryEconomic Cooperation AgreementInterdependence Theory
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本論文主要從建構途徑來探討新自由主義之相互依賴理論(Interdependence Theory)與國家主義理論(Nationalism Theory)之結構性權力(Structural Power)所建構出中國大陸的東亞體系,如何制約臺泰洽簽經濟合作協議 ( Economic Cooperation Agreement , ECA) 的機會。
臺灣要如何突破中國大陸在東亞所建構的結構性權力體系之路徑依賴(Path Dependence),扭轉臺灣劣勢的國際地位,從理論、區域能力結構與田野調查分析後,臺泰洽簽ECA的可行性方案與具體作法如下:
三、從區域能力結構(Competence Structure)合理的指標下,仿泰國路線先推展次區域(Sub-regional)經濟的多邊合作政策,帶動經濟發展後,再積極於多邊中嵌入雙邊ECA戰略,弱化雙邊ECA策略受中國大陸制約的勢力。
二、藉「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA) 機制嵌入ECA:如何將ECA嵌入ECFA內,首先必須檢視香港《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》(Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement,CEPA)與臺灣ECFA的差別,因為香港與中國大陸洽簽CEPA之後,於2010年3月29日與紐西蘭正式簽署自由貿易協定 (Free Trade Agreement, FTA),也是香港對中國大陸以外國家洽簽的第一份FTA,對臺灣而言,具有重要的參考意義。
三、臺泰投資保障協定嵌入泰國共同優惠關稅(Common Effective Preferential Tariff, CEPT)功能:在臺灣對泰國洽簽ECA面臨泰國國內行政程序限制之下,對外又受中國大陸主權政治牽制因素,臺灣或可於現有投資保障協定內嵌入CEPT功能,以非成員國政府角色和泰國洽簽其對非成員國開放的CEPT優惠關稅,協助廠商降低成本,創造企業與國家的競爭力。
This thesis from a constructivist approach to explore the neoliberal interdependence theory, the structural power of nationalism theory, in constructed out of Mainland China to control the East Asian system, how restricting contact sign, Taiwan and Thailand the opportunities of Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA).
Learned from the theory and data analysis, we know that Thailand is relatively dependent on the extent of Taiwan, and the interdependence of economic and social exchange behavior of multi-track each other. Although the basis of comparative advantage that favor positive contact Taiwan and Thailand signed the ECA and the optimum behavior of integration, limited to the new amendment to Article 190 of the Constitution of Thailand must get Congress to vote on the signing of an international agreement approved by the provisions, as well as the rise of Mainland China in East Asia caused by nationalism asymmetry interdependent the structural power constraints, resulting in consistent sign of Taiwan and Thailand ECA system failure, the phenomenon of zero, contrary to the rules of the market liberal institutionalism theory.
How to break through Mainland China in the East Asian the structural power system constructed of path dependence, reversing the international status of Taiwan disadvantage, from the analysis of the theory, competence structure and fieldwork, Taiwan and Thailand signed ECA feasibility contact program with specific practices.
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