

「港口國管制」乃透過港口國公法上形式船舶適航性的程序管制過程以為補強,來實現私法上之實質的船舶適航性,以達消弭次級船舶(sub-standard ship),維護航行安全,保護海洋環境之目標。其實施方式主要係透過區域合作公約之模式,由港口國在其商港中檢查外國籍船舶,以查驗其船舶、設備是否符合國際公約之規定,是否配置適任之人員,以及其操作是否符合相關規定之一項檢查。
Port State Control (PSC) is a complementary administrative measure taken by Port State to eliminate the sub-standard ships from the shipping industry. Its ultimate purpose is to pursue the substantial seaworthiness of ships by way of checking the related seaworthiness documents required by laws in order to safeguard the security of sailing and protect the ocean environment. As PSC is mainly practiced by regional cooperation through regional agreements, the responsibility to safeguard against sub-standard ships lies with the Port State. Therefore, the Port State Control is also defined as the control procedure of foreign flagged ships in national port.
Due to the uncertain sovereignty status of Taiwan, Taiwan is neither a member of the United Nations Convention of Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), nor the International Maritime Organization (IMO). For Taiwan’s heavy economic reliance on shipping industry and protecting the ocean environment, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication promulgated an administrative order to invoke the procedures for Port State Control adopted in the IMO Assembly Resolution A. 787(19) via the Article 50 of the Commercial Port Law. However, that this administrative order invoking the Conventions that Taiwan was not a contracting party was in no-compliance with the Constitution and had obviously been against the principle of legal reservation and raised the issue involved in blank authorization, which hesitated the port state control officers to enforce their rights empowered by the order. With the urgent need of legal authorization for the enforcement of Port State Control and the verification of the Separation of Government from Enterprise principle, the Commercial Port Law was finally amended and promulgated at the end of 2011.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the legitimacy of seaworthiness under Port State Control from both international and national legal aspects on the basis of current laws and recent development of Port State Control system. Meanwhile, this research also tries to clarify the legal characteristics and explore the remedies of unlawful detention in Taiwan by means of taking the national, international laws, and related cases as references. Finally, the conclusion presents a substantial proposal for the legislation and modification of both the Taiwanese Maritime and Admiralty Laws. Hope this can make some contributions to completing the Port State Control system in Taiwan.
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(四) Treaties and Protocols
1、 International Convention on Load Lines, Apr. 5, 1966, 18 U.S.T. at 1874, U.N.T.S. at 158.
2、 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, June 23, 1969, 34 U.S.T. 2327, T.I.A.S. 10490.
3、 Prevention Collisions at Sea Convention, 28 U.S.T. at 3463, 1050 U.N.T.S. at 19.
4、 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, July, 1978, ch. I, reg. I/7, reprinted in 6 D Erastus C. Benedict, Benedict on admiralty Doc. No. 14-16,(Frank Wiswall ed., 7th ed. 1998).
5、 Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, May 25, 1984.
6、 Convention on Salvage, International Convention on Salvage, Apr. 28, 1989, reprinted in 6 Erastus C. Benedict, Benedict on Admiralty Doc. No. 4-2A, at 4-13.
7、 Protocol to the International convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, Dec. 2, 1992.
8、 Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, Dec. 2, 1992.
9、 Oil Pollution Act of 1990, 33 U.S.C. 2701-2761(1994).
10、 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea.”, G.A.. Res. 63/122, U.N. A/RES/63/122, Annex (Feb. 2, 2009).
(五) Cases
1、 Actis Co Ltd. v. The Sanko Steamship Co. Ltd., (The Aquacharm), ﹝1982﹞1 Lloyd’s Rep. 7.
2、 Alfred C. Toepger Schiffahrtsgesellschaft G.M.B.H. v. Tossa Marine Co. Ltd., (The Derby),﹝1985﹞2 Lloyd’s Rep.325.
3、 American Smelting v. Irish Spruce, 1977 AMC 780.
4、 Bradley v. Federal Steam Navigation, (1926) 24 Ll. L. Rep. 446.
5、 Budisukma Puncak Sendirian Berhad v. Canada, 2004 FC 501, ﹝2004﹞4 F.C.R. D-17.
6、 Burges v. Wicham, (1863) 3 B & S 669.
7、 Burnard & Alger, Ltd. v. Player & Co. (1928) 31 L.I.L. Rep. 281.
8、 Canada v. Budisukma Puncak Sendirian Berhad, 2005 FCA 267 (CanLII).
9、 Cheikh BoutrosSelim El-Khoury and Others v. Ceylon Shipping lines, Ltd., (The Madeleine),﹝1967﹞2 Lloyd’s Rep. 224.
10、 Clif. and Hawaiian S. Corp. v. Columbia SS Co., 1973 AMC 676.
11、 The Farrandoc, ﹝1967﹞1 Lloyds Rep. 232.
12、 Grenier v. Canada, ﹝2006﹞2 F.C.R. 287, 262 D.L.R. (4th) 337(F.C.A.).
13、 Gilroy, Sons, & Co v. W. R. Price & Co, ﹝1893﹞A.C. 56.
14、 Grand Champion Tankers Ltd. v. Norpipe A./s and Others (The Marion ) ﹝1982﹞2 Lloyd’s Rep. 52.
15、 Hedley v. The Pinkney and Sons Steamship Company, Limited, ﹝1892﹞1 Q.B. 58.
16、 Hongking Fir Shipping Company, Ltd. v. Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd, ﹝1961﹞1 Lloyd’s Rep. 159 ﹝1961﹞2 Lloyd’s Rep. 478.
17、 The Eurysthenes, (1976) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 171.
18、 The Marion (1984) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 1.
19、 M.D.C., Ltd. v. N.V. Zeevaart Maatschappij, ﹝1962﹞ 1 Lloys’a Ewp. 180.
20、 Military and Paramilitary Activities (Nicar. v. U.S.) 1986, I.C. J. 14 (June 27).
21、 Mobil Shipping & Transp. Co. v. Wonsild Liquid Carriers, Ltd., 190 F.3d 67, 1999 AMC 2705 (2nd Cir.1999).
22、 Moore v Lunn, (1923) 15 Ll. L. Rep. 155.
23、 The Norman, (1960) 1 Lloyd’s Rep.1.
24、 Northern Shipping Co. v. Deutsche Seereederei G.M.B.H. and Others (The Kapitan Sakharov), ﹝2002﹞2 Lloyd’s Rep. 255.
25、 Owners of Cargo on Ship “Maori King” v. Hughes, ﹝1895﹞2 Q.B. 550.
26、 Rowson v. Atlantic Transport Company, Limited, ﹝1903﹞2 K.B. 666.
27、 Paterson, Zochonis v. Elder, Dempster, ﹝1924﹞A.C. 522.
28、 Papera Traders Co Ltd v. Hyundai Merchant Marine Co Ltd. (The Eurasian Dream) (No.1) ﹝2002﹞EWHC 118(Comm);﹝2002﹞1 Lloyd’s Rep. 719 (QBD (Comm)).
29、 Robbin Hood Flour Mills, Ltd. v. N. M. Paterson & Sons, Ltd., (The Farrandoc), ﹝1967﹞2 Lloyd’s Rep. 276.
30、 Rowson v. Atlantic Transport Company, Limited, ﹝1903﹞2 K.B.666.
31、 R.T. Jones Lumber Co. v. Roen S.S. Co., 270 F. 2d 456 (2d Cir. 1959).
32、 Santon v. Richardson, (1871-72) L.R. 7 C.P. 421.
33、 Saudia Arabia v. Arabian American Oil Co., 27 I.L.R. 117 (Arb. Trib. 1958).
34、 Standard Oil Company of New York; v. Clan Line Steamers, Limited. ﹝1924﹞A. C. 100.
35、 Stanton v. Richardson, (1971-72) L.R. 7 C.P. 421.
36、 The Quebec Marine Insurance Company v. The Commercial Bank of Canada, (1869-71) L.R. 3 P.C. 234.

1. 國際海事組織 http://www.imo.org/home.asp
2. 國際海事委員會http://www.comitemaritime.org/
3. 東京備忘錄組織http://www.tokyo-MoU.org
4. 印度洋備忘錄http://www.ioMoU.org/armain.htm
5. 黑海備忘錄http://www.bsMoU.org/default2.htm
6. 拉丁美洲港口國協議網站http://www.acuerdolatino.int.ar/
7. 加勒比海備忘錄網站http://www.caribbeanMoU.org/
8. 地中海備忘錄網站http://www.medMoU.org/
9. 阿布加備忘錄網站http://www.abujaMoU.org/
10. 里亞德備忘錄網站http://www.gcc-sg.org/
11. 美國海岸防衛隊網站 http://www.uscg.mil/
12. 國際航運聯盟 http://www.marisec.org/index.htm
13. 世界航運協會 http://www.worldshipping.org/index.html
14. 中華海員總工會 http://www.ncsu.org.tw
15. 中華民國輪船商業同業工會聯合會網站http://www.nacs.org.tw
16. 海安論壇http:// www.safetysea.org
17. 勞氏驗船協會 http://www.lr.org/code/home.htm
18. 中國船級社 http://www.ccs.org.cn
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22. 高雄港務局 http://www.khb.gov.tw
23. 花蓮港務局 http://www.hlhb.gov.tw/index1.htm
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37. Dr. Anita M. Rothblum, Human Error and Marine Safety, available at: http://www.geovs.com/_UPLOADED/Human%20Error%20and%20Marine%20Safety.pdf
38. William Tetley, “Marine Cargo Claims”, 4th Edition, available at: http://Tetley.law.mcgill.ca/
39. DR Z. OYA ÖZÇAYIR,The impact of Caspian oil and gas development on Turkey and challenges facing the Turkish straits, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul, 9 November 2001, p 3, available at: http://www.docin.com/p-53225018.html.
40. Laura Moss, The 13 Largest Oil Spills in History, Mother Nature Network (July 16, 2010, 11:00 AM), available at: http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/stories/the-13-largest-oil-spills-in-history
41. IMO Resolution A.787 (19), Procedures for Port State Control, adopted on 23 November, 1995, available at :http://www.ecsei-eg.com/ECSEI-Files-61-1/PSC%2520A.787.pdf
42. A Short History of Paris MOU on PSC, available at: http://www.parisMoU.org/Organization/About_us/2010.12.28/History.htm
43. Annual Report on Port State Control in Asia-Pacific Region 2010, available at: http://www.tokyo-MoU.org/ANN10.pdf
44. Brief History of IMO, available at: http://www.imo.org/About/HistoryOfIMO/Pages/Default.aspx
45. In the Matter of OIL SPILL BY THE AMOCO CADIZ OFF THE COAST OF FRANCE ON MARCH 16, 1978., 954 F.2d 1279, 1992 A.M.C. 913, 22 Envtl. L. Rep. 20,835, 35 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. 1204 (Argued June 12, 1991. Decided Jan. 24, 1992), available at: http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F2/954/954.F2d.1279.90-2954.90-2946.90-2857.90-2841.90-2832.html
46. National University of Singapore, Centre for International Law, available at: http://cil.nus.edu.sg/

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